Coping with Gossip in the Family


Well-Known Member
I think MWM should/could get a syndicated advice column. MWM, no kidding. You have been through the thresher, survived and cut through the crap with your advice. At minimum, write a book or submit an article to magazines. You ARE that good. Your input is so spot-on; I learn so much from your raw, no-nonsense (yet, kind) posts.

Stress, my brother (my only sibling) was once judgmental and his words hurt me. Thirty years later, he is my biggest support- outside husband and this forum. Sometimes, folks just have to get to a different place to see things from a different vista. God knows, I have been that person and still am. I know to keep my thoughts to myself--usually.

Absolutely, while we are doing our best to get through difficult child pain, one step at a time, surrounding ourselves with supportive folks is crucial. Perhaps, re-bonding with your sister is for later. not now.


one day at a time
My husband believes this e-mail will just contribute to their perception that I am oversensitive, etc., etc.

I'm with MWM---it doesn't matter who thinks what about you. We can't control what people think about us. That has been a very hard lesson for me to learn because I have wanted everybody to like me. I've been a people pleaser. Those are character defects I learned I have when I started working Step Four in Alanon. I have done and said things just so people will like me better. Wow, I don't even like writing that, but it is the truth. I have been told my entire life that I am over-sensitive. I read once that telling somebody that is emotional abuse. I know it has made me feel bad every time I have heard it. I have always felt things very deeply, and I think that is one of the things that makes me better at being a writer (my profession). But a lot of people don't like it. Now, I have lived out that quality in negative ways and that is the character defect part that I have been working on. Not that I have that quality, but how I display it.

Stress, you are who you are. You feel what you feel. All you can do is own that.

Where I believe our responsibility comes in is this: do we act on what we feel or do we realize that feelings aren't facts (Alanon)? That was a huge thing for me to think about and come to understand when I first came in to the program. I thought if you felt it then it was true. Well, the feeling is true, but the feeling may not be based in fact.

And so what, STress, if we make mistakes in how we behave. Who doesn't? The standard is not perfection. We are human and we are going to make mistakes, plenty of them. Let us be kind to ourselves when we do make mistakes and then that kindness turn inward will turn into kindness and compassion for other people (Pema Chodron, great author).

I will accept that my family is talking about me and our kids when I am not present and that I cannot change or control that. The hardest part is the feelings of loss, judgment from others, and constant drama of what happened lately.

Yes, I think people like to talk about other people, including us, because it makes us feel better about our own situations. "At least our daughter didn't do THAT..." It's too bad when any of us do it, because it just causes more separation between people, instead of connection and kindness and compassion and empathy. But we do. We are human.

And then it hurts so badly. And it adds to our isolation and our pain that we are already struggling so hard with. I know, I so get that. I've gotten to the point that I hate drama. Of any kind from anybody. I am now drama-averse, and I don't want to hear about it or participate in it.

I will hold my head up in spite of all of this. While I am the parent of an adult child with many issues and negative behaviors, I do not want to be defined by this.

Absolutely. You are not your child or any of your children. We brought them into the world and as adults, they have their own lives to lead. I try to think of my connection with my kids like my own connection to my parents. I love my parents very much but I don't have to have them in my life every day. They are there, in the wings, as part of my support system, but they are not even part of my day to day life. That is how it should be between my son(s) and myself. Having that comparison has helped me.

In reducing the emotional grip all of this is having on me, I will seek out ways to care for myself and enjoy my life going forward.

THAT is the best step forward, Stress. You seeing that fact is true progress. Now, make a plan and actually do at least one thing different to carry out your own life, your own happiness, and your own-self care, every single day. It will truly transform you and your life and your relationships. It sounds so simple and so well, even selfish. We women especially are culturally sensitized to NOT doing things for ourselves---we are supposed to be just there for everybody else. But I do not believe that is true. I am not a selfish person and I don't want to be that way, but I do want to practice regular self-care. If I do, and when I do, I can give so much more to other people.

You are making tremendous progress through this difficult time Stress. That is when we grow, in the middle of discomfort and pain. I wish it were different. Best and blessings and hugs to you tonight. Keep moving forward.


Well-Known Member
This thread has been enormously healpful to me as I once thought I was the only one with such a dysfunctional family. I have two sisters, none of us talk to each other. While we were growing up and up just a few years ago when either of our parents would get upset with one of us they involved the other kids as if they wanted us to take sides. As we became adults we bought into that nonsense and it caused many problems between us. Finally three years ago I told my dad to stop pitting me against my sister. To his credit he stopped but the damage has been done. He now makes comments about the fact that my sister and I don't get along and he wonders why. He's 94 and it's not worth trying to explain.

I have two adult children. I have always tried to stay positive to them about each other even if there were problems. It was difficult when difficult child was creating so much chaos but now that they are adults I want them to have a relationship with each other and not have to worry about any interference from me. If I am having a problem or disagreement with one of them I want it to stay between us and not involve the other one. It's hard for me to understand why my parents did what they did. I forgive them, they lived in a different era. My sister is different, she bought into their dysfunction and continued the cycle. My father had six sisters and brothers, none of them got along. Weddings and funerals were an excuse to drink and fight. My sister in one of her last conversations to me said that her daughter was going to block the funeral home from some relatives when my dad died. How sad that she carried that legacy down to her kids.

Thank you all for reminding me what's important.


Well-Known Member
I think MWM should/could get a syndicated advice column. MWM, no kidding. You have been through the thresher, survived and cut through the crap with your advice. At minimum, write a book or submit an article to magazines. You ARE that good. Your input is so spot-on; I learn so much from your raw, no-nonsense (yet, kind) posts.

Stress, my brother (my only sibling) was once judgmental and his words hurt me. Thirty years later, he is my biggest support- outside husband and this forum. Sometimes, folks just have to get to a different place to see things from a different vista. God knows, I have been that person and still am. I know to keep my thoughts to myself--usually.

Absolutely, while we are doing our best to get through difficult child pain, one step at a time, surrounding ourselves with supportive folks is crucial. Perhaps, re-bonding with your sister is for later. not now.

Wow! I feel so...humble. Thank you. I hope I can help others avoid my many mistakes.

I also guarantee you that some posters don't like my no-nonsense approach, but I can only be what I am. I care passionately, and if I can even save one person from believing you can't save or repair some young children, that certain children can possibly be permanantly damaged before he is an adult, or that we deserve to be abused by our children or parents or siblings just because by random we all share the same DNA, I will try. I don't know that my take on things is right for everyone, but I'm glad it helps some. I did walk many roads that many never have to walk and I hope they never do!!!! But the paths, such as adopting a psychopathic young boy, gave me a look at something I didn't even know existed. And then adopting an older aged boy who just walked out on the family in adulthood was odd too...I wish neither on anybody. And 36, well, he is 36...a big challenge. And then we had Daughter who actually overcame meth I've been through a lot that I hope nobody ever learns about first hand!!!

You have all really been there for me during my times of need too.

by the way, where is Recovering Enabler??? I miss her!
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Well-Known Member
Recovering let me know that she is taking a break from the forum for a bit...I'm sure she will be back.

and MWM, I agree that you should host a radio talk show! I'll call in...


Well-Known Member
Well, thank you kindly, all. in my opinion my personal talk show host person would be Recovering Enabler. Thanks for the update on her, Echo. I was getting worried. I could not have gotten through 36's horrid, scary behavior during his custody battle without her and several others, but especially her. If anyone talks to her tell her peace, and I wish her well. Tell her she is very valued.

Sometimes one can give out logical, good, sensible advice yet have trouble doing it when it involves ourselves :)


Active Member
My family thrives on gossiping about everyone and my mother is right in the middle. A few have medical drama and my mother is especially close to them. They always tell her every little bit of dirt in their families, complain about their kids and husbands to her. And the biggie, they complain and fight with their in-laws which my mother loves, I guess it makes her feel special when they stop talking to them.

My difficult child was posting on FB, one nephew and he had a verbal fight while difficult child was obviously high and my sister had to call me to whine that (what my difficult child had posted )'it hurt her son so much he was almost crying'. I told her I did not post it and they are both adults, let them figure it out. THEY ARE BOTH 36yo and the nephew still lives at home and works 20 hours a week!!! My difficult child should never have posted the crap on FB, but as I said, I didn't have anything to do with it.

Another time difficult child's nasty girlfriend posted a confession about drugs and prostitutes on FB pretending to be him.

My one sister that is always saying I need to do more 'because your the mama and he is your son', had a big family gossip session with her son's difficult child wife and sex for drugs. She said the reason her son failed a drug test for a job was because wifie had put cocaine in her 'hoo-hoo' and they had sex and it transferred to him. I hate to even tell you that this sister is a nurse lol. She is very much in denial about her kids!

My mother and some (most) of my sisters love the drama and gossip and I detest it, so as I get older we have grown apart. I am always the last to know anything and many times I am not including, unless it involves helping to pay for something and then I am always included!

I live 3 miles from my mother and she has been in my home about 3 times in 7 years and she would never call me, I call her. I visited to give her a birthday gift and it's the same 'ole same 'ole. All she talks about is her many health problems ) I hope I am in as good of shape as she is when I'm her age lol) and my stepdads racist comments. Both get to me and I really find it hard to visit them. I rarely go out to eat with them 'cause it's the same restaurant 'cause 'they don't eat that kind of food'.

I used to feel guilty about my huge differences with my family and I'm absolutely over that! When they all want to gossip about my difficult child I only say, 'he is an adult and it's his life path to follow'.

I have grown very spiritual over the years and some family members are religious zealots where everything is a sin. Their narrow mindedness makes me feel as I have to guard everything I say.

I actually have more friends as I have gotten older, but I do not discuss difficult child or family problems. It really makes it so much more relaxing to forget about life problems and have a relaxing evening!!!

As I have learned to detach from difficult child and stop enabling, I also learned the same with my family.
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Well-Known Member
I don't cope well with it at all. There are family members that I don't speak with much anymore bc they constantly gossip and question me about difficult child and where he is and what he's doing and what I should be doing to help him. I can't take that so I just don't even speak to them.

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Well-Known Member

I have a little bit of a different slant on this. I think it would be OK to talk to your sister (not email or text), and let her know how hurtful those conversations are, and describe to her how you would like her to support you. I think people don't always know what they do, and I think seeing you face to face and hearing what you have to say could be course correcting in a way that would be good for you and for her going forward. To be generous towards her, she may just be chattering to mitigate her own anxiety about you and your son, and what it is doing to you. SHe may be titillated ( a lot of people are, its kind of like rubber-necking a car accident site...everyone does it even though they know its not right)...and opening it up to the air may help her stop that. YOu mentioned that you have an OK relationship...I'd give it, and her, a chance to grow through this.

As everyone else has said, no one knows what it is like to be the parent of kids like how could she know how you feel if you don't tell her?

My two cents.

And PS, my stomach also hurt as I was reading your post, because I know that feeling so well.
