difficult child I has broken probation & house arrest


Well-Known Member
He was only there...what, a week or so last time? House arrest, in my opinion, is not a good option when you have someone who doesn't follow the rules at home. Hello? Isn't that how he got himself in trouble in the first place? Does your county have a boot camp/work farm type set up? Maybe if had some hard physical work to do, instead of sitting around in juvy, he'd "smarten up" (as my Nana used to say).
I agree - sometimes I think they do house arrest because they dont know what else to do and then it falls back on the parents......again - not like it hadnt already! If they were following rules and we were able to give up everything we have for trying tohelp them then maybe it would work - but it is almost impossible.


call 911........call 911
Not to go off subject, but to go off subject.....(I make so much sense after lack of sugar)

Have you ever visited a web site called LOL cats? Or I canhascheeseburger? I really CAN make a point here - gimme a minute.

Okay - ON that website they have a section called FAIL. You would send in a picture of like a cat surrounded by mice - and write - FAIL cat. It really is kinda tongue in cheek humore - but very realistic.

I want you to envision a picture of you s2bxmil - and next to that picture I WRITE - mother in law FAIL.

Witz is right - do NOT let that woman rent space in your head.
Repeat after me - IT's NOT MY PICTURE THAT SAYS FAIL next to it - IT IS S2BXMIL's picture. I AM A GOOD MOTHER.

And as hard as it sounds and as much as we want our kids to STOP and KNOCK OFF ALL THE BOLOGNA.......it seems they make a career out of pushing. I have told Dude - for YEARS - you keep pushing MY buttons - you're going to make a career out of pushing a broom.

The police will probably talk to him and bring him home. It's a lot of paperwork for a court violation - but you.......WARRIOR MOM

DID THE RIGHT THING........repeat that about 100 times


When he gets home - he is GOING to expect a confrontation - don't buy into it. And the next time he uses your phone - WRITE the numbers down - and hide that paper. It gave me a LOAD of peace of mind to have numbers to hand to the police when Dude ran away - and he ALSO deleted all my calls - AND FYI -

You can call the phone company for outgoing calls or probably pull it up on a web site.

Hang in there


Well-Known Member
Chiming in a little late here, but extending my support. House arrest for teens is just away to give us back the responsibility! You've gotten some good info from some wise parents who have been there.

We are here for you.


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