difficult child suspended from school for three days.

Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
ARGH!!!!! Teachers like this drive me crazy!!!! I have never in all my years of teaching told a student to shut up. That is so inappropriate. I am amazed he admitted to saying shut up! So sorry that your daughter is suspended for 3 days even though she was wrong to say what she did. In our district it probably wouldn't have been a suspension and if it was it would probably been a one day suspension.


Well-Known Member
by the way, difficult child had a really wild kid in one of his classes last yr. He irritated the teacher because he knew how to press his buttons. For example, he'd put his feet up on the desk, walk around, or talk, an the teacher would yell at him, and then the kid would ramp up from all the attention. The kids all laughed. It was great entertainment.
I asked why the teacher didn't ignore him, or make a joke out of it, and difficult child said, "Because he's stupid."
Just saying ...
Ugh.... sounds like this teacher might be a big part of the problem. If he spoke with such sarcasm to you the parent, I can only imagine how he spoke to your daughter. It might be wise to keep a close watch on this class and teacher or maybe she can request a schedule change and get a new teacher for this class.

I've no doubt HS kids aren't easy but jeez they should lead by example. He is the adult and I would hope he would have experience with kids and in my opinion telling a kid to shut up in front of an entire class is asking for trouble. 9 times out of 10 telling a HS kid to shut up in front of there peers is going to trigger a bad reaction.

If she wasn't being quite or listening then send her to office or out of room but I'm sorry her bad behavior doesn't excuse his.