Got the call with the sports suspension.....suspended from all practices and both meets before Christmas; may return to the team after break.
Investigation showed pretty consistent witness reports. The other boy was being a 'class clown' and some of his comments were a little mean but no one else felt that they crossed the line into bullying (no threats, etc) and there was general consensus that Eeyore completely overreacted. The other boys seemed stunned that it went from horsing around to violence so quickly.
That fits with Eeyore's MO...lack of perception and quick to go 'worst case scenario'.
Eeyore is in his full difficult child mode right now because I showed up to pick him up after school and his girlfriend's bus hadn't left yet and he wanted me to wait so he could hang out with her for 10 more minutes. Now he's mad because I had the nerve to say I wasn't letting him text her tonight (he normally gets 1 hour of phone time) because he may not speak to me disrespectfully.
Also, the other boy posted about their "cool" fight so he was getting high fives from students in the hall. Ugh, not reinforcing the fighting is wrong message.
(FYI, the other boy got the same punishment but they are having him serve his ISS days after Eeyore since they don't want them in the same room and neither need the more expensive CIBS option.)