The teacher is saying 102 students because she teaches this class 5 times per day. it is STILL part of ehr job to have every student give the presentation. it is NOT the student's job to scedule the class and no other student had to remind the teacher, did they? that is garbage.
As for no ideas, why not suggest she go to the sp ed teacher or the f'ing LIBRARY OR GOOGLE to find some? she could look up 'accommodations for executive function disorder' if she cannot think of a way to help a student.
i VEHEMENTLY disagree that only exceptional teachers can help our kids. In the midst of a class, with a new problem, yes, it is hard to have a solution. This is NOT the first time difficult child has had this problem, and this teacher could read a professional publication or use google or a library (does the teacher know what htat is? You might have to remind her that it is the room with all the books in it, dumb as she seems) and FIND a way to help a struggling student. WHY is it the parent's job???????????? Do parents go to college to learn to do this???? I don't THINK SO!
This person just does not want to do her job. Write a letter requesting testing for the various things your child may have, every freaking Learning Disability (LD) and processing disorder you can find ANYWHERE, and give it to school before school is out. Remind them that they have 45 CALENDAR days, not school days or school year days, to do this testing. Cause the LAW says calendar days - includes Sat, Sun and days off school including summer - to do the testing. MAYBE cut them some slack for summer and let them test first week of school, but no later than that or they are in violation of the law and can lose federal funding for EVERYTHING by refusing to test. Cause, yes, that IS the penalty. I had to learn this because some koi they tried with Wiz. The school psychometrist (therapist with special trianing n giving tests) told me they had to pay her for 2 days work to give the tests over the summer because her contract is 9 mos and seh waas thrilled with the extra $$, by the way. If I had not gotten what I wanted from our school, the evidence that I had would have put ALL federal funding, not just funding for sp ed things - free lunch and ALL funding is included - could have been POOF! gone. And my district knew it and knew that I knew it.
This teacher is L.A.Z.Y. and you can tell her I said so. And I DO know all that a teacher has to do.
As for no ideas, why not suggest she go to the sp ed teacher or the f'ing LIBRARY OR GOOGLE to find some? she could look up 'accommodations for executive function disorder' if she cannot think of a way to help a student.
i VEHEMENTLY disagree that only exceptional teachers can help our kids. In the midst of a class, with a new problem, yes, it is hard to have a solution. This is NOT the first time difficult child has had this problem, and this teacher could read a professional publication or use google or a library (does the teacher know what htat is? You might have to remind her that it is the room with all the books in it, dumb as she seems) and FIND a way to help a struggling student. WHY is it the parent's job???????????? Do parents go to college to learn to do this???? I don't THINK SO!
This person just does not want to do her job. Write a letter requesting testing for the various things your child may have, every freaking Learning Disability (LD) and processing disorder you can find ANYWHERE, and give it to school before school is out. Remind them that they have 45 CALENDAR days, not school days or school year days, to do this testing. Cause the LAW says calendar days - includes Sat, Sun and days off school including summer - to do the testing. MAYBE cut them some slack for summer and let them test first week of school, but no later than that or they are in violation of the law and can lose federal funding for EVERYTHING by refusing to test. Cause, yes, that IS the penalty. I had to learn this because some koi they tried with Wiz. The school psychometrist (therapist with special trianing n giving tests) told me they had to pay her for 2 days work to give the tests over the summer because her contract is 9 mos and seh waas thrilled with the extra $$, by the way. If I had not gotten what I wanted from our school, the evidence that I had would have put ALL federal funding, not just funding for sp ed things - free lunch and ALL funding is included - could have been POOF! gone. And my district knew it and knew that I knew it.
This teacher is L.A.Z.Y. and you can tell her I said so. And I DO know all that a teacher has to do.