My hat's off to you. I have thought about fostering, but definitely not adopting. Although I have tons of experience dealing with difficult kids of my own...something that might could benefit a kid who really needs someone pre-installed with Rhino skin...I just don't think I could do it all again. I would hate to add to their pain and sorrow if we realized the hard way that I don't have it in me again.
But I can appreciate feeling like you're caught in the middle - forced to find balance between two opposing sides when it comes to your kids. I found myself in that boat with my kids - needing to help one, but still protect the others and feeling like I couldn't possibly do both. It is a hard, hard path to find yourself on. And in truth, there are no right or wrong answers. You have to do what you feel in your gut is the right thing - the same basic premise for all of parenting, just with lots more heartache and uncertainty. sure is much tougher when you're talking about challenging kids. There's no examples to go real experience to draw from...and few other parents who 'get' how hard the struggle really is.
I have been away from the boards for years, but I know there are ears here to listen, and hearts to offer support. You're definitely in the right place to find parents who 'get' it and can help love you all through it. I could not have survived my kids with my sanity intact if it weren't for the other parents here.