For those watching the Casey A. trial.....



Anthony faces seven counts in Caylee's death, including first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse and misleading investigators.
Surprised it's such a short list.


Well-Known Member
I'm not surprised if the defense could come up with some pond scum convicted felon to throw a wrench in the works. Jose Baez is one of those attorney's who hung out at the jail to drum up business. That's exactly where you would find someone like that! They were saying today that the defense would be much better off if they let the other older more experienced attorney (can't remember his name) handle the summations but they doubted if Baez would let him - he's wallowing in the spotlight and won't want to give it up.


Well-Known Member
Let's do remember that in Florida a "felon" can be an 18 year old who had less than 10 pills in his unoccupied car. Living in Florida I can attest to the fact that "felon" doesn't necessarily mean "pond scum"....sometimes it means a teenager who messed up.

on the other hand, I am looking forward to hearing about the guy who "found" the body three times and informed his son and friends to look for him on the news and that he would be coming into money. In particular I want to hear why the State of Florida gave the guy our tax dollars so he could hire his own attorney. Very curious.

But the bottom line is that Casey messed up big time. Purposely? Accidentally? She obviously isn't playing with a full deck and, as I said before, I don't see how a habitual liar can possibly take the stand. It will be interesting. DDD


Still haven't located the full list of charges, though it should be somewhere in the transcripts as it would have been read to her in open court at some point.

Has it been decided whether or not she'll take the stand?


Active Member
I don't think they have said yet if she'll take the stand- I'm guessing they are waiting until the last possible moment in order to make the most informed decision (or recommendation to Casey) they can before making a final determination.

As far as the felon- I agree this particular guy probably is a humongous scumbag because none of that adds up to an honest "do-right" testimony to me. However, I did have thoughts along the line of DDD, too, in that my son is "a juvenile who has committed offenses that would be considered felonies if committed as an adult". Many of us here have kids that have committed felonious offenses, as juveniles and/or as adults. That alone doesn't make him scum. (Not that I think anyone meant anything offensive but I just wanted to back up the clarification on that.) in my humble opinion, trying to get 15 mins of fame or getting paid to tell a BS lie in a death penalty trial about a toddler being killed would be scum though, whether the person was a felon or not.


Well-Known Member
On a much lighter note, I've been listening to and watching the Prosecuting Attorney. I like her demeanor and I like her voice. It keep seeming familiar. I'm not sure but I think I just nailed it in my head. So...television buffs...wasn't there a female attorney on Law and Order who's name was Serena. Is my memory flawed or are there similarities. Don't ask where that came just floated into my brain and I think I'm right. Does it ring a bell for any of you? DDD

Marcie Mac

Just Plain Ole Tired
DDD, they had the "felons" rap sheet up and it was an interesting read - Danny has a felony charge, but knowing what little you can do to qualify for a felony charge, try and not be judgemental about the actual word "felon"

But now that the defense has put him up as a witness because George's phone had 4 calls listed with his phone number (which was a digit or two off on a new job he had gotten at the time). I don't know about anyone else, but I have been known to dial the same wrong number more than once :)

They didn't say incomming or outgoing or even if it was his number at the time. I know when I have gotten a new number for one reason or another, I had a lot of calls from people who knew the person who used to have the number - and in the instance of one of my office lines, carrier gave me a number that used to be a personal phone number, and gotta say, its been 8 years and once in a while I "STILL" get calls for that person.

They have to make George look bad, so imagine the defense team becomming almost orgasmic about comming across this bit of info, adding him to the witness list right before they start in. I am honestly starting to think the defense stratage is if they can't get her off on a technicality, they will get her off by claiming bad representation from her attorney on an appeal. I don't know which attorney is worse, Baze or Mason- both of them can drive me into difficult child mode of thoughts of smacking their faces - one with the smerk and one who is so condensating



Well-Known Member know I am a sucker for a lovely I know so many wonderful ones! Own my own...lmao. However, saying that, I have seen this guy that they plan to put on the stand. He isnt our misspent youth difficult child. No, this guy is a frequent visitor at the Grey Bar Hotel.


Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry - I didn't mean to upset anyone. I KNOW that not everyone convicted of a felony is "pond scum", especially the younger ones or the ones with mental health issues. I worked around those guys for 24 years and I liked some of them a lot better than some of my neighbors! I meant "pond scum" in the case of this one particular guy that they seem to have pulled out of a hat now that things are going badly for them - didn't they say he had been convicted of kidnapping and several other very serious crimes? It doesn't sound like he would be a very credible or reliable witness. To me, it sounds like something they've come up with since the defense has managed to back themselves into a corner.


Active Member
I know (really) that no warrior mom here meant any harm or offense, Donna. I just figured there would problably be lurkers or others coming upon this thread and I wanted to make sure it was clear that "felon" didn't necessarily equate to "scum". And "scum" doesn't necessarily mean the person will have a felony conviction under their belt. Again, I KNOW the warrior moms here already know that. (And I've used that word too so I didn't put it in quotes because it's a horrible thing, I was just trying to make my point.)

And I agree- a kidnapping that lasts a 10 year sentence sounds pretty serious and coming up with this guy at this date as a "surprise" witness screams BS to me. And I am trying hard not to judge him too harshly before hearing the testimony, but he's losing.
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Roll With It
I very much think that a big part of their strategy is to get Casey off by claiming bad representation. Both of her lawyers are idiots. I think that Baez has no idea what he is going to say and just opens his mouth and says anything. The other one is condescending and seems to want everyone to think he is so smart but in reality he is doing some stupid things. Baez kept Casey from saying a lot of things to her parents when she was in jail, or to anyone really, that might have helped them find the body earlier. Several of the tapes said that Baez wouldn't let her talk to family or others for a good part of the time they were searching for the child. I also think that bounty hunter, Padilla, helped to make her look even less trustworthy. I didn't trust him from the beginning. He mostly wanted to be involved so he could get on tv - and it was blatantly obvious when he opened his mouth. Padilla was on a clip I saw of Dr. Drew's talk show and he could NOT stop telling the other guy and Dr Drew about how he had a law degree and ran a law school so his judgement that Casy was being honest and didn't kill her child should be evidence. WTH was the smoking? he didn't come out and say it that way, but he pretty much implied that those reasons were why he believed her during the 4 min or so he spent during the bail process and why what he thinks shoudl count for anything.

The defense could and should have jsut said it was an accident and a cover up. By putting all that stuff about sexual abuse in there they painted themselves into a corner where they now have to get people to actually believe she was abused, and was abused by her father and brother. After the super detailed lies she told about everything else, why anyoen would believe anything she said that could not be proven 1000% is beyond me. Putting the sexual abuse into play was a HUGE mistake and just makes her and her lawyers all out to be liars.

I am betting this will be used on appeal to try to get her released or given another circus, I mean trial.

As for the phone calls, I can't tell you the number of times I dialed the same wrong number. I transpose numbers, it is called dyscalculia and I have it as does my difficult child and my mother. Once my brain thinks it knows numbers it will remember the same wrong numbers ( phone numbers, dollar amts, any numbers) until I made a conscious strong effort to remember the right numbers. LOTS of people do this. The guy they are putting on the stand is known to be a liar and is not going to help the defense much. It will be seen as another one of Casey's lies.

George was a cop. He is smart enough to know that if the cops get involved they would check his phone records. So no way would he have called someone to help get rid of a body or whatever they are claiming from his home or cell phone. He owuld go to a pay phone or get a prepaid cell that he would then toss. No cop would be that stupid. Also, it is very clear how much he adored his grandchild. I seriously doubt that claims that he would pay some lowlife to get rid of her body could be true. He wouldn't want anyone like that to be near her, much less to touch her. Thinking he would have someone like that dump her body is just plain stupid.

My big problem with this trial is taht I don't see how any defense of Casey could possible be believed. She told so many lies and they are all so incredibly detailed that tehre is no way that anything she says can be believed. Whether she tells the truth or not, no one with any sense will ever believe a word that comes out of her mouth. Esp after they heard all the lies about Jeff Hopkins and his son, Juliette Lewis and her daughter, Zanny the Nanny (in one tape she even spells her complete name) and her hair straightening and sister named Samantha and her divorce, how could claims of her bro feeling her up and her dad doing worse be believed. But, that is ALL her fault. SHE is the one who killed her crediblity. These stories about abuse just make it worse.

This defense is going to be one scuzzball after another telling lies about the ultimate scuzzball mother - Casey.


Digging more, FL has fallen lower in death sentences since I lived there, especially since LWOP became the alternate sentence (instead of parole being available after 25 years). Many juries are more comfortable handing out LWOP.


Well-Known Member
I think there is a good possibility the defense wont call any witnesses and wait until the sentencing hearing to put on witnesses.



I think it's now or never for defense witnesses. They'll be useless once it's time for sentencing, that's mostly victim impact statements and such.


Well-Known Member
Janet often defense attorneys will have a lot of witnesses on their list and depending how the trial goes they may decide not to call them. If they believe there is a strong possibility their client is going to be found guilty then their legal and ethical responsibility turns to that of saving their client's life. Their witnesses are then very much important in that phase of the trial. Not saying they will do that but it is a real possibility.

My husband just finished an important case where he prepared many witnesses and only called a couple experts because of the way the case went in. Calling more would have made it worse for his client.

At any rate we will see shortly. They have painted themselves into a corner to either call witnesses that are going to make it worse for her or try to cut their losses.
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Well-Known Member
I do think it is a lose/lose for Casey but I think that she's lucky to have experienced pro bono attorneys. With a public defender she would have already be sentenced with-o fanfare. At least I think they are pro bono. Maybe as the years have gone by they have been allowed to draw fees. DDD


Well-Known Member
I have to make an apology here. I must admit it when I am wrong. I am so sorry to the aforementioned pond scum felon. He is not one. Poor man has paid his debt to society and it is the pond scum defense team that has pushed him into the limelight.

I am so sorry I called him that.

Poor man hasnt ever met George, talked to George, known George...ect. He only got the number in question in 2009 but this idiotic defense team felt justified to throw yet another defenseless person under the bus. I never had much respect for them in the first place but now, its going into the minus section of the column. Seriously...lets just throw up enough junk and see how we can confuse the jury. Plus ruin enough lives in the process. This man had to hire a lawyer to attempt to clear his name. No joke, I would be terrified they would stick the murder on him.

However, I think this day went pretty well for the prosecution with the bug guy. Prosecutor ate him alive I think. Pigs in a blanket...lmao. What a joke.


Well-Known Member
I agree, Janet. Before, they made it sound like he was either in jail now or had just gotten out, not that he had been out for several years and apparently has had a clean record since then! And it almost looks like they targeted the guy because he had a kidnapping charge on his record. Obviously, the police would have gone through all of their cell phones a long time ago and determined who they had called. If George Anthony called anyone back then, it was whoever had that phone number before this man got it! If they implicated this guy in an attempt to bring suspicion on George, that's just dispicable! And every time they do something like this, it just makes their side look worse and worse.

And before all the forensic evidence came out to prove how long the body had been there, weren't they going to claim that the meter reader who found her body had probably done it and then moved her body there? One more they tried to throw under the bus...