Which makes me remember. I had a dream about the psychiatrist that I fired. During our visit, he let a man sit in his office, who was working at a desk. He did not justify it or introduce him. I did confront the man, saying, this is not proper that you are here, and I would like you to leave. He did not.
Then, I went to the bathroom. After I went in, the psychiatrist pushed the door open, and pushed me out of the way to use the toilet, saying, I have to use it first.
I may have said, this is not proper. Or I may have been stunned.
I cannot imagine what this means. But I do not think it is anything good.
Could it mean Copa that you are beginning to see the psychiatrist as a selfish, fraudulent person who always had only his own interests at heart?
Could the man at the desk be a representation of the psychiatrist's attitude toward you during therapy? And your insistence that the man should not be there ~ that you mattered, that your heart and your story mattered, was disregarded. Going to the bathroom could represent your processing of repressed (or frozen) material you had courageously processed even in an environment like the one the psychiatrist set up. And even in that, he discounted your healing, making you unimportant and making himself the authority, the one who mattered.
I remember you posting Copa that the psychiatrist you had been seeing by phone insisted "this is going to take a long time". And that he was sure you were not ready to go on without him.
To me, the dream represents how it felt to be you, in that time. How it felt, to have been seen and cataloged and treated as you were, and to feel you had no say even in the most basic, human rights to respect, and to being heard, and to privacy.
So I think it was an excellent dream.
You are processing how that all felt, and how wrong and awful it was.
And if the person had been able to help you Copa, that would be one thing. But you have made more progress in a shorter time here, with us, than you did with him. Have you made an appointment with the female therapist, Copa?
I hope you find one like the one Serenity posted to us about.