Good vibes needed. girlfriend broke up with difficult child. difficult child reached out to H...+


Well-Known Member

Glad husband got the job. Not just because it's a job. But because... it really does affect how men see themselves and feel about themselves. This gives husband something of more value to put his mind to... it really changes how a man reacts to everything else.

Calamity Jane

Well-Known Member
First of all, congrats and good luck to husband on the new job - that's fantastic!

Regarding difficult child, I too was wondering how things went from "beer pong with the folks" to "get out." I really like the part you said about wanting the easy child back, not the person he is now.

Perhaps, just perhaps...difficult child realizes the mess he's making and wants to fix it on his own?? He doesn't want to come crawling back and he wants to save face. He's also going through a major breakup - he's wounded and gobsmacked, I bet. He doesn't want to immediately come crying home and looking like a total loser, because he thinks that's what you've been waiting for all along. I'd give him a little space, and maybe he'll be a bit more conciliatory. That's probably all you can do. I just sure hope he doesn't think he has no one but his destructive friends to turn to. That would be a huge shame...this is a fork in the road that could be a turning point and a great opportunity for him to get his life back on track.