Ha, ha. My last response inspired a thread. You know you're a difficult child if...


Well-Known Member
Oh yes. He apologizes over and over and over. We've actually told him if he says "I'm sorry" again he'd have to leave...just like him throwing the F word around. We just don't even want to hear it because he doesn't mean it. If you are sorry, you don't do the same thing over and over. He's sorry he got caught, not that he did whatever it was.

And I want him to be. I want him to be sorry. I want him to REALLY understand and FEEL how much he hurt us and to be incredibly, seriously, devastated and sorry. Is that bad?


Well-Known Member
You brag about how you drank a pint of vodka and a six-pack last night (work night)...then in the next breath TELL dad you need to borrow his vehicle...and then get mad when he refuses to let you!


Well-Known Member
You believe your parents should financially support you indefinitely but supporting your own minor child is optional.
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Well-Known Member
You don't have a car because you left the car your dad was letting you use on the side of the road when it broke down.

Then you didn't tell anybody what happened and went about your merry way.

Then, when asked where the car was, you got mad and told your dad you are glad that POS car is in HIS name and its his problem.

Then you refuse to put the car in your name and take responsibility for it if dad gets it fixed for you, so dad sells it.

Then you call dad two weeks later and want the car, and get really mad because dad sold 'YOUR' car.

Then you quit your job because its too hard to get to work and its all dads fault.


Well-Known Member
If you steal your sick grandmother's jewelry, including her wedding ring from her deceased husband, then when your parents discover it in your purse you tell them you found it at the bus stop and then you become indignant because they don't believe you ... YOU MIGHT BE A difficult child!


Well-Known Member
You have been car-less for about 2 years because your dad sold YOUR car (see previous post) so you try to talk your dad into getting you a car by telling him how you are stuck in your job/living situation and that having a car would open up so many possibilities, when he tells you that if you would just stop spending your money on useless junk and partying every night you would have enough for a beater car or a down payment on a better one in just a few weeks.

You look at him like he has a hole in his head and say 'that would be a really boring few weeks!'


Well-Known Member
Your paycheck is gone as soon as you get it.

Not on rent, utilities, car payments/repairs, groceries or on your child's needs, but on CDs, DVDs, game systems, and other luxuries that, when you loose your job (not if but when) you then sell/pawn for pennies on the dollar.


Well-Known Member
Each time I read this thread, I have thought, I cannot think of another one. They have mentioned them all...

well, somebody else adds another one that our difficult child said/did. I identify with 90% of these.

Aren't they a piece of work? and, maddenly, saddenly, so predictable---now that I look back. At the time, I never knew...that it was par for the course.

Guess I thought my difficult child was one-of-a-kind. (special, unique). HA.

Except, I still win the trophy for the meanest difficult child.