Has anyone seen the commercial..


Well-Known Member
TM...but that wouldnt be fair now would it? I put the curse on him all these years...lol. I cursed him that he would have 3 just like him! (I was imagining a girl would be just like me and OMG....)


Well-Known Member
"I couldnt get him to stop doing something for love nor money and he can get his 8 month old to obey him!"

Janet, I want to know his secret! I'll pay for it when you figure it out.


Well-Known Member
I just read this post, and I'm LMAO!!!! Is it a free tape or something? I'd like to order it. Oh, of course it's not free. Somebody is actually going to make MONEY on this. Less than sixty seconds!!! What's the advice? Kill the kid? LOLOL! Thanks for the chuckle. I was having a bad day.


New Member
I haven't heard or seen this commercial yet, but difficult child heard it on the radio and told me about it. If you can believe it, he asked me if I thought it was real.

I told him that I didn't think so . . . and he said "yeah, me either, because we work really hard all the time and it doesn't always work, so a stupid tape isn't going to work". Smart kid.

Maybe we should challenge this "guru" to meet with us and our difficult children at a conventional hall somewhere to 'work his magic'. We could alert the press. I suggest that we sit in an upper deck to observe, but not assist. Hee hee. Bet we'd never hear from that guy again.


Well-Known Member
Well I actually found this guys website and took a look around. After researching it I may have to change my opinion of him. His commercial is stupid but his program actually looks like it could be quite good.

The man is a behavioral therapist and the program is a multidisk dvd format with what I believe is a workbook. The website also has a place for parents to talk to one and other. I believe when you buy the product you get access to more web support.

He says this works for kids with disorders such as adhd, odd, bipolar, aspergers. He said it wouldnt work well with MR or profoundly autistic kids though a parent could learn better ways to interact with any child.


The guy is on the radio here in Chicago,

"Stop back-talking, disrespect of you, homwwork problems, and your child will obey you again--EVEN in cases of ADHD... in thirty seconds... I guarantee it."

as if ADHD is the worst thing anyone could face.

I had the exact same thought the first time I heard this--"Sure, shoot the kid..."



Roll With It
this guy is full of it, from what I have seen.

Janet, I think our difficult child's get the easy kids, at least at first, because that is what they can handle. Esp our difficult child boys. My cousin (difficult child to the nth degree, used to think it was fun to hurt himself on purpose doing some dumb macho thing and then tell the hospital staff that my aunt did it to him!!! She SOOO didn't, she used to cry if she spanked us and her spankings didn't hurt or even leave red marks!!) My cousin has 2 of the best behaved daughter's in the world. Sweet, protective of each other, responsible, and just great kids. And good little me, well, I have 3 kids with a wide variety of problems!

I just laugh at these things. There was one in a just for kids magazine about "Do the Goldfish" some figure 8 exercise that got kids out of ADHD and other behaviors. Insert maniacal laughter here!!
