I am worried about B, SWOT. We are missing the forest for the trees. She needs to be able to figure out what to do. She is supporting him with all of her heart, they are communicating and he seems to be responding. This is a lot.
I do not believe that this Residential Treatment Center (RTC) is a hopeless case, but I believe they have not taken seriously what she has said to them. This is traumatizing, because this keeps happening over and over again where she is invalidated or ignored by these stupid professionals.
It could be said that L has made his bed and needs to lie in it. But I do not think he has done so with sound, mature mind. It is hard to know what he was thinking and why his thinking was so distorted. But I do not think B's decisions here hinge on his prognosis. Because nobody can know right now what is L's prognosis.
This child is her birth child. She has raised him. She has done everything in her earthly power to save him. The question is what should she do now.
I agree with you he should not come home now. What has changed? Nothing.
Do you think she should rely on his reports of what is going on? Now he is saying it is okay.
Do you think she should consider other facilities? The problem with that is not only would it require a visit, but once she pulls L she is financially liable. And I do not know if her status as a non-resident of MX would make it difficult for her to admit him to another facility. And as I explain below I do not think it is realistic that any of us have what it takes to evaluate a facility, from outside in, especially in another country.
One way to look at this is that if the alternative is homelessness or jail, where he would surely be victimized, whatever this facility is like, it is likely better than those horrible alternatives.
And L has so-far showed himself to be so resourceful as to bamboozle and manipulate and out-fox everybody...to his own detriment. Does B trust that this so-called capacity makes him able to protect himself in a locked facility and to appraise it for risk? Is he mature enough to consent on a de facto basis? Because that is what we are talking about here. Depending upon L. to evaluate where he is.
It could be argued that, yes, in a sense, he must be allowed to extra-legally consent. Because he has by his behavior created a situation for B that leaves her absolutely no options....I keep getting this flash of the olden days, when young boys would run away to war or to work on sailing ships. These adolescents then had to survive based upon their own wits, in the circumstances in which they find themselves. There were no mothers or fathers to negotiate on their behalf or to save them. By their own actions and decisions these kids made themselves un-savable except based upon their own smarts and will to survive.
That's the only way I can look at L's situation now. He has engineered this situation 100 percent. B is doing a heroic job in asserting her parental authority and monitoring him
in another country. Maybe this is the best it can be right now.
B. While I could see that it might be a good thing to go to this place, and see, in reality what would you really be able to do? Your best shot is really to trust L to watch out for himself. How could you even evaluate alternative facilities? Would you really be permitted to see what you needed to see, to make an informed decision?
We were in this situation with my mom. And I made horrible choices. I visited various facilities and I made terrible, terrible choices. It was not indifference. I tried very, very hard. I cared very, very much. Sometimes circumstances are set into motion whereby we lose control. Life catches up with us. I think with L this might be one of them.
I think you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. I regret what I wrote above. I think differently now. I didn't feel I helped you by saying,
everything will be all right. Because we do not know. And they (the facility) are

ing up. I do not think we are served by being ostriches. Although that is my preferred default. I try and try and try not to see. I fail.
I have great hope for L. But I don't think he should come home either. And I think L. does not think he should come home either. If he did why would he like the idea of the work furlough program?
At different points of my life I think I have taken both Paroxetine and Gabapentin. I don't think they are hardcore drugs. It is probably the latter one that is making him drugged up. Right now that would be the least of my worries.