It was a brand new idea to me. I was shocked. "But...she's my MOTHER."
He said it didn't matter. That he would do it to his mother if she was cruel to him. That he didn't need mean people in his life, no matter who they were. That he didn't talk to his sister.
That is how D H is.
His boundaries are strung with barbed wire. I do believe there is a gun turret in there somewhere, too. I like that about him. Like your boyfriend, D H feels no guilt about how that makes the other person feel. It would never occur to him and he doesn't care anyway. I am serious. So there is a lesson for us: Other people's feelings are none of our business. We don't get to cheat on that one.
I am beginning to separate, to unenmesh from, my mother and my sister.
They do know what they are doing.
It is so glaringly not a matter of believing my way into creating that dinner I am always posting about. If they were there, they would be whispering in the kitchen. Or going through my luggage or searching high and low for my journal, or its equivalent, to justify what they already believe. These kinds of things are huge ethical breeches. What we are doing, every time we say "That is just how mom (or sister) is." is condoning an ethical breech. And every time we say, "But that's my mother (or sister)", our own systems of ethics are requiring a loyalty to those who are cheating both us and themselves that they do not merit.
We assure ourselves that this time too was a mistake, and that they were not aware of (yet another) ethical breech. That is why it is helpful to widen our focus. What are the patterns in the other relationships in their lives, and in our own.
That is where we find places to declare our own names and stand up.
The thing is that I believe everyone is like me.
If I were desperate enough to want to know how someone was working through whatever it was...I still would not be mining their journals or their luggage. I willingly share my process here because it is working for me and because knowing it worked for me might make it okay for someone else to take those same risks here in this place where we are anonymous. I do understand that naked and unfocused is not an attractive thing to be. What I do know is that I would not be by stalking here, as your sister is doing to you SWOT, or justifying an ethical breech of some other nature once I was aware that I was doing that. Our relatives are not hearing pain or confusion to witness for someone struggling with private pain, struggling with issues around which we may be as confused as they are. Our relatives seem to be doing the same things we do, but for them, it is a matter of sneak into vulnerable places with or without our knowledge or permission, with nefarious and unshakeable intent.
That is the part we are not getting. Their motivations are different than ours. They were not hurt by us in some way we cannot figure out; they are different than us. We imagine how confused we would be, how desperately lost we would be, before we would do what they do. What I might learn in someone else's luggage...well, I suppose my sister could determine what were the labels on my clothing, or whether I needed diapers or used drugs in secret or something.
But that is an ethical breech. Whatever her reasoning, things like that are an ethical breach. Maybe, it is like spitting in someone's food and watching them eat it. That same kind of secret power that makes the victim a fool for having trusted you in the first place.
They are neither lost nor stupid nor hurt in the way we understand "hurt".
So that is unenmeshment.
And enmeshment and codependence are when we refuse to believe what we see because that is not a thing we would do. So we excuse whatever ethical breech it was. It's like we become trapped in an ethical discussion of correct response to that last surprising thing they have done while they are sharpening knives in a celebratory way.
And we don't get that piece.
Love is when we are honest. There can be no love without respect. There can be no respect without trust. These people we believe we are in love with together because they are our mothers or sisters are not trustworthy, ethical people. This does not make us priggish librarians of women. (The unspoken condemnation in my mother's description of me as the romantic one. As the one who just cannot think right.) We do not have to adjust ourselves or our thinking to incorporate ethical lapses. We were brought up to believe that not loving is hating.
That is a lie, too.
Even blatant ethical lapses like going through luggage or journals, or like stalking someone in secret ~ we tie ourselves into knots finding some way to excuse them, some way to love them out of it.
So, that's probably codependence or something.
I am a little sad today about who my mom and my sister are.
But that is a very different thing than my enmeshed vision was. It is interesting that I was meeting my need for that family I wanted by believing for the future though the cost was very high in the now.
So what I was doing was living, and determinedly seeing, through hope.
It is good to let go of that.
I wish I'd let it go sooner.
So, if they were to come to my door...Lil's French insulting the king and Jabber's kilt man are the imagery I will use to name myself. My mother's death...I cannot know how that is going to be or feel, so I am going to let go of it. It there had been any way to refigure that, if there had been a way to see clearly that I was wrong or right in detaching from her now, I think I would have found it. Even when I go deep now, I am not finding that truama feeling.
I am seeing from a different place.
I can accept that I don't know how this is going to work with my mother's death. I will be sad, but I am sad, now. But it is a sadness at the way a thing just is. I don't know how to fix the way they seem so determined that everything is and will be. And that is all there is, and I am okay with it because
I have no power to change any of it or it would already be changed.
It just is what it is.
No more questions; no more "why".
For maybe the first time in my life, I am okay with it. In my life I was sad, I was hurt and defenseless and lonely and all those things, but that is past. It is not who I am; those things are just what happened to me. It is right that I should feel regret that I do not, and that my children do not, have family that matters. But it's a little thing, now. Just something that happened awhile ago and I am no longer looking back there to find meaning in the story of myself.
There cannot be love without trust. There cannot be trust without mutual respect. I cannot believe those things into existence by creating a way to incorporate the kinds of ethical lapses that began with a mother justifying holding her children in contempt and
never letting that go.
She does know. She is as committed to her course of action as I am.
So is my sister.
Together, they are creating and validating what each has always believed, just like I am. In doing so, they are committing ethical breaches all over the place.
As my mother did when she had the stranger take that huge piece of equipment out of the garage where my brother had worked with, and learned from, and come to cherish his father as a man, and not just as a son. And that understanding, those memories, that coming through adolescence and into honest manhood, a father and his son, that is what my mother sought to take control of, sought to, and did destroy,
in her own son. And she wanted that to happen in the most shocking way, so her own son would react from a FOG comprised of a grief he probably cannot name the parameters of to this day.
She made her own son a beggar; someone who can only access those memories and strengthenings and cherishings come of his time with his father through her.
Major ethical breech.
That she told me had nothing to do with wondering whether that had been a wrong thing. That was a warning, a triumphant declaration of power that she could, and would, beggar me too. If she were questioning the ethics of her actions, she would have asked for me, or for someone, to have discussed it with her
before she did it.
So, there is my answer, is the incident I must access, at the time of my mother's death. That is what was real about my mother in her relationships to her children, and to me. No trust. No respect. No love, and a grim determination to see to it that no love is possible.
Power over. That is the core of the power over mentality. There can never be love, there can never be trust or cherishment or forgiveness.
And as for my sister braying that my mother had changed. That is the second miraculous recovery my mother is supposed to have made. The first was at my father's death. My mother's self proclaimed "change" in that time was to blame my father for the family dynamic.
That is not change.
That is blame and again, is not an ethical thing.
No trust. No respect. Hope, from her children, but not love in the present. Not love in the Now. Hope. And though we are right in believing in hope, there has to come a time when we put that away for the beautiful potential thing that it was.
And let go.
And like you posted to me about yourself SWOT, I do not get to cheat, either.