Yes Granddad was a peculiar fellow, sweat as pie though, he died of complications of Parkinson's, thats where my apprehension of dopamine blocking medications comes from, he was a cross between Einstein and the TV character "Monk".He does sound like a good kid who has some issues Jim. Sounds like he has some good parents too.
When I read your latest posts it brought me back to some renewal credit courses I took for my last teaching license. I decided an area of weakness of mine (I had always worked in Special Education) was gifted and talented education. I took four classes. (I had some kids on my case load who had aspergers but also qualified for gifted and talented programs so thought I should improve my understanding of this area, not that classes teach everything but it was a start....)
You know what I came away with???? Gifted and Talented teaching is MUCH like special education. Kids can have many of the same social and functioning issues. The planning for them requires the same level of individualized accommodations as for kids who are below average. It was all really fascinating to me. your grand-dad sounds like he fits that mold to a T. Just made me think of it when I read your posts. I am sure it is obvious to you, but I still find it interesting. (makes common sense, but I just didn't really study and think so deeply about it before).
Thank You on the Parenting compliment Buddy, as all of you are, we are trying, and love our kids dearly and just want the best for them.
Our son has the potential for anything he sets out to do, everything he actually does do he masters in record time, I just wish he would realize the gift he has been given and run with it.
Our daughter is average maybe slightly below scholastically, but gives it her best shot and is a social butterfly, she is my baby girl and I adore her.