I also recommend reading "Beautiful Boy" and "Tweak". Beautiful Boy was written by a father of a meth addict and Tweal was written by his son. Also, "Codependant No More" is a very good one. If your husband is uncomfortable with Alanon, but will read, perhaps that is a good option.
There are also blogs - a lot of blogs - written by parents of drug addicts. I had one but just don't have the time to devote to it. But once in a while, I do go and read others'. It definitely helps to not feel so alone.
Denial? Yes, I know it well. VERY well. I now realize I was pretty much in denial a lot of difficult child's life. But I do remember when I first found out her problem. My heart goes out to you.
There are also blogs - a lot of blogs - written by parents of drug addicts. I had one but just don't have the time to devote to it. But once in a while, I do go and read others'. It definitely helps to not feel so alone.
Denial? Yes, I know it well. VERY well. I now realize I was pretty much in denial a lot of difficult child's life. But I do remember when I first found out her problem. My heart goes out to you.