How long should this take?


Well-Known Member
DDD - the flip side? I wish I had been much more involved, much sooner... and put my foot down much harder at school.
difficult child was given a volume and difficulty level of work that he simply could not keep up with due to a disability.
Teacher would not bend on a single accommodation (IEPs here don't have teeth, and teacher had tenure).
difficult child failed every single assignment - in class or at home. He simply could not do the work.
The teacher bullied him in class (I found out later), using his work as an example of how NOT to do it.
It was brutal, I knew that much - that's the year his behavior problems started.

What he learned at school?
1) teachers are totally unreasonable
2) parents have no power to do anything
3) all the teacher wants is the answer, so just copy from your neighbor.

It's taken TEN YEARS to begin to undo the damage from ONE teacher.

I'll stop before I start a rant.


Well-Known Member
Arg. I hate last min stuff.
When I first read your note, I thought, two wks for a regular student, IF she does one picture a day.

Lol about the scratchy military uniform!


Well-Known Member
Well, she did finish the project competently and on time. And the teacher used another student's project as an example (with the students knowledge and permission) as the other student had not colored anything (this would have automatically subtracted 32 points from the grade right off the top, so the best grade possible would be a 78. The teacher has a pojicy of subtracting 10 points for each day you turn in homework late, so he told the student to take it back and color the pictures and lose 10 points rather than 32 off the top. He made sure the kids understood the logic so they could plan better and even told them that sometime they may have to accept a lower grade and do something "good enough" rather than expect perfect grades in life. Duckie said the student told the teacher that he had lost his colored pencils and the teacher told him he would get him a new set at the end of class to keep at home, and told the class to talk to him or their parents if they didn't have the necessary supplies to finish their work properly. I love a teacher that gently teacher life lessons.


Well-Known Member
You know, TM, it has seemed to be for a ong time that "Duckie" participates in more activities than many PCs do. There's no doubt that she is very talented but maybe with the demands she places on herself it's logical for her to feel overwhelmed at times. I'm glad it turned out well. DDD


Well-Known Member
She's kind of driven (but not by me). SHe does not do well if she isn't "doing" something or have a goal to work toward. It's not typical, I know, but she seems much happier like this.