New Member
That sounds like good news indeed. Not the broken shoulder but the seizures that scared him. I hope it all continues, I have a 23yr old granddaughter who has been sober for 500+ days and I am so thankful and proud her. She saw her life going downhill and didn’t want to be like her mother and she started at AA and now she has a completely sober friendship group and has been working since collegeThis is the first thing and exactly what I needed to read at this very moment today! Thank you! He's homeless with only the clothes on his back after just getting out of jail, again. I told him go to rehab, again. Feeling it's harsh but it's his choice. He has many programs he could use to change his path. I'm not here to enable and I do not have to accept him as he is. Especially without any accountability and blaming me for where he is. I lashed out with things I probably should not have said but feel pushed way past my limit. I'm just so sick of it. Same thing, broken record, over and over and over again. If you're not going to listen then stop calling me. I cannot take the stress of it any longer. I truly cannot. Told him this is why I went no contact for three years prior to this. It's hard for me to not help too. I want to help him so bad but feels useless. Either way, we both suffer for it. Thank you for your encouragement. I really did need this today LetGo.
I try to hold on to that when I low, thinking about my daughter. The young ones seem to be see the danger of alcohol, neither of her siblings have touched it thank goodness.