Husband's suicide attempt


Former desparate mom
GG, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine the pain he was in to proceed to this attempt knowing you would have found him. My heart breaks for you.
I was going to agree with witzend about ECT but I see it was tried.
Sending hugs, a shoulder,and as much strength as I can send to help you get through this.


Well-Known Member
GG, I hardly make it over to this forum, but I caught the title of your post. I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine how frightened you must feel for him and your family. Sending hugs.


(the future) MRS. GERE
I can't add anything but support either, GG, but I sure wanted to wrap my arms around you when I read your post. To come home to that scene must have been absolutely the fodder of our worst nightmares. I can't even imagine it. I am in awe of your strength, although I'm sure there must have been very dark moments.

I do want to reinforce the Lyme disease comment made earlier. I met someone whose ex-wife was diagnosis'd with bipolar...only to find out later that the diagnosis was probably a misdiagnosis and it was Lyme all along. It's a tragic story that will hopefully benefit someone else along the way.

Big hugs to you and your husband.



Well-Known Member
GG--So sorry. I've been there with my biomom, and it is a terrible place to be. As a loved one, you just want to shake the bejeebes out of them, but you also know that there must be some terrible pain to make you even attempt to end your life. I think that diet, exercise, and therapy are the key ingredients to becoming healthy. The medications will not work properly without the others, in my humble opinion.


Active Member

I don't have any suggestions to offer, but did want to say how very sorry I am. I can't imagine the pain he must have been in, and can't imagine how frightened you must have been.

Sending mega hugs to you both,


My heart goes out to you. I can't even imagine the heartache and despair you are experiencing at this time.

My thought has been that depression is such an all encompassing disease, that one of the best ways to tackle it is to go at it from all angles. So, in my humble opinion, your question is an excellent one.

No doubt, medication is the top treatment choice. But, I do believe that vitamin supplements can help play a role...perhaps a contributing one and in the end, forces working together I think might make for a positive difference.

What has helped me significantly with depression is taking a B50 tablet and 5000 mcg of B12. I know my doctor recommends that people with severe depression take a B100 tablet.

Additionally, fish oil tablets and vitamin D can also be helpful.

Many people who suffer with Bipolar Disorder say they have received benefit from a vitamin co. called True Hope...although there is some controvery there.

Regular exercise is very good. Of course, when one is in a bad depression, it is next to impossible to participate in exercise. I see exercise as almost a preventative tool. Personally, I enjoy the way I feel so much and see the benefit(s) so much, that I am very motivated to continue exercising.

In addition, make sure your husband is getting his sleep each night. Is he taking anything for sleep? Both my husband and I take L-Tryptophan as needed and have found it to be a blessing.

Does your husband like to journal? Does he see a therapist regularly?
Does he have any regular hobbies?

How are your husband's relations with others???? What about family therapy? What about systems therapy?

Even though I am not a drinker due to my headaches, I have found reading the words of AA and related groups very helpful when treating depression. There is much wisdom there.

Prayers and hugs going out your way.
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New Member

I'm so sorry i'm so late to this. it's i think my first time on today. i wanted to send my support and to say how sorry i am that you are both going through this right now.

stay strong, and the others gave some great advice. keep us posted :)

((( hugs)))


Active Member
Here is a link about Lyme Disease symptoms. If you decide to pursue this, you will need to see an LLMD (Lyme Literate MD). You can find one by going to, clicking on flash discussion, and going to the Seeking Doctors forum. Doctors that are not "Lyme Literate" will not believe in it.

I tried to PM you the responses from the celiac listserve about people's experience with gluten and mood, but it looks like you are not set up for PM's. I am not sure it is meant to be publicly displayed so I don't want to post it here.


Well-Known Member
I'm really sorry that things are going this way for you and your husband. I hope that you will both find the strength to get through this and find happiness.


Well-Known Member
Hi there. So very sorry about your husband. I had depression cycles for years and years and finally found medications that helped me. I hope your hub one day also can get some relief. Don't give up! (((Hugs))).


No real answers to life..
I'm sorry this has happened to you and your family. I don't have anything to add, but would only say every one's experiences are different and what works for one may not work for you, you have to find the fortitude to stick it out and I guarantee it will be the last thing you try that will work......... sending hugs.......


Active Member
I'm sorry. I'm sure this has been extremely difficult for you and your family. I will keep my fingers crossed in hopes that you find some help for him soon.

Sending cyber hugs.




New Member
I signed up for a clinical trial but I couldn't stay on it bc I take doxepin and I had to be completely off of it for 4 weeks and taking me off of it caused my heart rate to accelerate to 185 and my BiPolar (BP) go up. The treatment method for the clinical trial was using a magnet that sends a signal thru the brain. It has now been approved in the usa( Just a month ago. I only had the initial session and it made me feel better. Most medications I tried did not work on me for one reason or another. The psychiatrist that was doing the clinical trial told me that ect works in 90% of his patients. He was head of ect at a university center. I have not had ect.


I am sorry I am so late to this. I don't really have any advice, just wanted to extend my shoulder for you. I am so sorry you are going through this. I can only imagine how difficult and scary this is. I will keep you and your husband in my prayer's. God bless. :)


New Member
Regarding the new "magnet therapy" at the University of Michigan It requires you to be awake bc they have to find the spot in your brain that is the response site. What they do is send out clicks or magnet signals and watch your hand as when they determine the correct site it makes your thumb move and then they know they have found the site that works for depression.


Active Member
Hi Ladies -

Thank you all SOOOO much for the prayers, well wishes and ideas about alternative therapies. Hubby is still in the hospital. He is pretty emotionally fragile and unstable at this point. I hope he turns a corner quickly, because my 'inpatient' days are running out quickly.

His psychiatrist did something yesterday that has left me angry, perplexed and very unsure of what to do next.

In a nutshell the psychiatrist (who I really respect and have known for about 6 years) came into the meeting and basically told hubby that he had some 'inside information' via the 'holy spirit'. This info included 1) that my hubby had suffered horrible physical abuse as a child 2) hubby had raped a woman in high school 3) that hubby beat me regularly and with such ferocity that I was in danger. He also said that I was afraid for my life and afraid to come forward about the abuse.

When hubby called me (crying like a baby) I was mortified by these horrible accusations. I immediately called his therapist to see what the heck was going on. The therapist verified by husbands story and claimed he was absolutely perplexed by the whole meeting. That he had worked with the psychiatrist for 11 years and had NEVER, EVER seen anything like this.

I called my youngest brother in law just to verify that there was not physical abuse in their home. He adamantly, unequivocally denied any such abuse.

I know with 100% certainly that my husband has never raised a hand to me in anger. EVER. Or our children.

I can't disprove the accusations about the rape. But, he certainly has never been in trouble with the law.

The whole thing is way off the weird-o-meter. I am angry. I am hurt. I am so confused.

Of course, the doctor was gone for the weekend when I called the office to ask ***??

Do you think this could be some sort of 'shock doctor' head game? I asked the therapist if it was some sort of unconventional therapeutic technique that I'm aware of. Could he be trying to illicit some repressed memory? (a practice frowned upon the the APA I might add).

Honestly, this could not be any weirder. I would so appreciate your thoughts.

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