Well-Known Member
Look. In psychiatry (absent a disorder that can be verified by genetic testing or a laboratory test) EVERYTHING is subjective. And if you look at a person's history you can find a dozen or more different diagnoses, because everybody sees that same person differently. This is called "clinical judgement." But the reality is it's either a guess or a consensus. Sometimes people just copy a diagnosis over and over again because there is safety in numbers. My son was given the diagnosis bipolar because he told one doctor that that was his diagnosis. How did he come up with that diagnosis? He borrowed it from a friend.He said I’d probably be able to find a doctor who would diagnose him with autism but that so many other diagnoses are better to explain what’s going on.
I think you are exactly right. If a diagnosis of Autism unlocks the door behind which you will find funding and services and support and treatment, I would not worry one bit whether it's the "best" fitting. I would only care that my child's and my own and my family's life got easier, safer and calmer....and more hope-filled.Told him without a label, I cannot get intervention.
There is time to refine a diagnosis.
I have to keep my words in mind now. My son a few days ago was given a horrible and irrevocable diagnosis. In my worst fears I have to admit, in the past I had thought of it for maybe two seconds, and buried it. If I read the criteria of the diagnosis I could see that it could fit. If you consider all of his symptoms in the worst possible light. But a person is not a set of symptoms. There are other things to take into account. Strengths, and mitigating factors, and change, etc. And all kinds of things can influence behavior. There is not only one cause.
I would go what gets you and he help.