I am sorry if I upset you. I completely reacted out of my own experience and it was too emotional. I will explain.
We had been seeing a variety of docs, but NO ONE would give us the referral to a psychiatrist. I wanted to KNOW what was wrong. I was told nothing was. I was told it was me. It was our discipline. It was the food he ate. It was b/e the moon is made of green cheese and is cut off, packaged up by little green men and then is shipped to us to give to our children and that is why they are so screwed up. Well, the last sentence is about the ONLY thing I was never told.
We got a recommendation to a therapist who was highly recommended. He was SUPPOSED to be wonderful at helping really tough kids begin to fit into the family and school.
Sound good to you?? It did to us.
We went to see him. We paid our fees, filled out our paperwork and went in to talk with the doctor. The other parents in the waiting room told us he had made HUGE changes for them.
We talk with Mr. Wonderful. We let him talk to difficult child. WE talk to him again. His first meeting was pretty much what you expect, it will take time, be consistent, etc...
The second meeting he began to talk about spanking. We were not big into spanking because it had never had ANY impact on difficult child's behavior. But we listened. He wanted us to give him "licks" with a belt whenever he did ANYTHING that was defiant. Not made a mistake, but actual defiance.
I was not against this, per say, but said spanking hadn't worked. WEll, he said, you were not doing it right. OKaaaay.
After a spanking we were supposed to have a child who would apologize on his own. Who would work NOT to do those things again.
Well, as I may have said, my difficult child never read a parenting book. And he didn't follow this plan either.
We used a belt. 3 differnt times. 2 times I did it, once my husband. We each came to the realization that our child could be "whipped" black and blue. It wasn't going to change.
The 3rd meeting started badly. The doctor said he needed to caution us. If asked, we were to not tell ANYONE that we used a belt on our child. WE were not supposed to "allow" social services to talk to our child. HUH?? Who brought them up was my question.
We flat out told the guy we would not hit our child again. It didn't matter how calm we were when we did it. It did not matter what we used or how many or few times, it did NOT WORK. (the last time difficult child actually DARED my husband to give him a few more, it didn't hurt.) We discussed this, and the doctor said that we would have lifelong problems with our child.
Yeah, and some were caused by him.
My son truly DID learn from this that it is OK to hit someone smaller than you. With ANYTHING.
We found out from the psychiatrist that we saw a few months later that it was against the law to use a belt on a child and that it is against the law for a doctor or therapist to tell a parent to do this. ADvocating hitting a child for any reason was against the law in that state. She turned this therapist in for this. I testified about it. It was scary and ugly.
Years later we were dealing with our difficult child feeling unsafe if we saw a new doctor. He was truly afraid that we would listen to someone else who told us to hit him. And, when he dared husband to hit him again it was bravado, a reaction totally out of fear.
I can tell from your posts that you love your son. I am very glad to hear he is not afraid of you. There was a time my son was afraid, and I hate that husband and I let it happen.
The hitting with a belt, and using hte word whipping were what made me react without really thinking about WHY I was reacting so strongly.
I am very sorry if I offended you or upset you.
We ALL parent differently, mostly because we all have different kids. The map of my son's brain probalby looks like a big ole bowl of spaghetti that no one put oil on when it was done. It is scrambled and all stuck together!!! We have come a LONG way.
I remember how exhausting it was when my difficult child was younger. He only slept a few hours, and was up before 5 am EVERY day until he became a teenager. Literally!!! I went for long periods on very little sleep, and we looked everywhere we could think of.
I hope you will forgive my reaction.