Luv bug,
Hi and hugs - Sounds like you're really going through it and your son too.
You know I used to hope, pray, think, expect a LOT out of my son when he would go into a hospital, get his medications tweaked, seem to do well there and then come home and fall apart. I would be on the phone immediately wondering WHAT was wrong with him.
A few things come to mind that I don't think have been mentioned but if they have I'm sorry to be repetitive. First - a hospital stay and medications tweak is NOT the be all end all for a cure or behavior intervention or anything. And the reason our kids seem to do better in that type of institutional environment is because there is MORE structure than we can possibly give at home. My son is now 17. In the years we had him in Residential Treatment Center (RTC)'s, hospitals and group homes - anything trying to help him - He was OFF the CHARTS - and I was asked by SEVERAL Residential Treatment Center (RTC)'s To just come and get him - take him home. We were desperate and just at wits end to say the least.
Sometimes in an Residential Treatment Center (RTC) setting they are able to work the level system. My son never ever did. Not even to level 3 of 5 - EVER. He refused. I blamed it for years on his disability and it became a crutch for him and his ill behaviors. I believe some of the behaviors you are seeing CAN be controlled. Obviously not all - but some. THAT is what Residential Treatment Center (RTC) settings are for. To help them learn coping skills to deal with the rest of the world. If they don't ever learn or agree that they can control their behaviors - then they don't and will end up very miserable, dependent adults.
I do not have answers for you - I have no idea what it's like to raise a BiPolar (BP) kid, although my son believes after all this time he is BiPolar (BP) and the psychiatric tends to agree. He refuses to go on medications - so there isn't much discussing it unless he really works hand in had with the psychologist to formulate and work on behaviors that are acceptable, so he can live with others, work with others, and support himself.
At 11 this seems like a far off worry - and who's to say - He had his medications tweaked BUT was in a controlled environment - SO my thought is like yours- If that's where he does better - let's get a plan together so that his current medications WILL work and the environment WILL be conducive to helping him calm down enough to learn acceptable behaviors and coping skills he will need to live outside an institution. I'm all for him going to an Residential Treatment Center (RTC).
In the MEAN TIME - YOU need to get into counseling as well. I don't say this without knowing what I'm talking about. Don't take it as a criticism - take it as advice from a well seasoned parent who's been where you are and KNOWS that without the help of a therapist to teach ME new coping skills - I would NEVER EVER be able to turn off, tune out - or be the best Mom I can be. I have gone for 11 years in an effort to show my son - if I can go you can too, and to be the best person /parent I can be. No shame in that. I mean I don't know how to fix a jet - but if someone handed me an 11 year old jet and said "Star - this problem jet is yours." - I wouldn't dare try to fix a thing without guidance from a professional because other lives depend on my ability to fix what is given to me. No different than a child with a disorder - if you aren't communicating now - find out how.
I hope you find something in this that helps. I had a child too that said the I hate you's, and ran away, and we called the police - but after the first time? Whenever he left? We did too- we locked the doors, windows, gates - and went and saw a movie. After we called the police to report him missing - and OH what a revelation it had. When difficult child was brought back by the cops - we learned how to greet him, NOT to baby him, NOT to yell at him, and it was the last time that he ever ran away - and ALL because we learned HOW to cut across his playing field. We did NOT go looking for him, we did NOT call his friends, We did NOT let him know we were worried, and we did NOT speak to him when he got out of the police car. We didnt' punish or dog him - we just said "Go to your room and stay there until we call for you because we WILL be discussing this, but RIGHT NOW? We're busy." It' killed him that we never went looking - (we must not care) - our reply - (who ran away from US) we must not give a dang if we couldn't even call his friends (Hey some friends and some Mother of those friends to let us worry - if they are such great friends they'll like your parents too and would have called us - we dont' think they are great friends and since you are so smart - couldn't figure you would hang with them again) Shuts em right down. And we sent the police looking for him??? (Well, yeah - it's the law and I have to cover my butt)
of course each child is different and that may not work with you and your son, but when you get with a good psychiatric who knows your son and what would make sense to him? It's great to feel on top just ONE time - lol.