Clinging onto my sanity
So sorry for what you are going through! Here's a twist that you should be aware of. If the school is unable to handle your difficult child they HAVE to pay for residential treatment or day school in an appropriate placement. There are lawyers that specialize in this area. The schools will always fight you on this as it means it will be taking their funding away. The medications are an important factor, but so is the school he is in. This is the law, if they are unable to provide the proper services or placement they MUST pay for him to be in an alternaive placemement. They are also required to pay for testing. It would be worth checking out. I wish you all the luck in the world. It is not easy for us to go through this everyday - keep strong and know we are all behind you 100%!!!!!
So sorry for what you are going through! Here's a twist that you should be aware of. If the school is unable to handle your difficult child they HAVE to pay for residential treatment or day school in an appropriate placement. There are lawyers that specialize in this area. The schools will always fight you on this as it means it will be taking their funding away. The medications are an important factor, but so is the school he is in. This is the law, if they are unable to provide the proper services or placement they MUST pay for him to be in an alternaive placemement. They are also required to pay for testing. It would be worth checking out. I wish you all the luck in the world. It is not easy for us to go through this everyday - keep strong and know we are all behind you 100%!!!!!