Ha! This is what I was writing when your response came in. PERFECT. Thank you, SWOT.
I was slipping, was unable to get to the other side of it. It is like being caught in quicksand when we go back there deeply enough to see and heal it.
I am going to post the nasty thing in case it will help anyone else. Remember that quicksand analogy. I just kept digging myself in deeper and deeper.
So, here it is, then.
SWOT, you suggested we answer three things that we are. The ugliness in my three answers was astounding.
So, I keep answering that question.
My answers had to do with being pretentious. With not being able to think right or draw correct conclusions.
With being ugly. With being so publicly not able to think right that people routinely take advantage.
With cowardice, in that I did not address issues as they came up and may have hidden behind believing I was working to make it better.
With my legs being too short.
I don't know what that has to do with anything. But for the past few days, I have been pretty darn sure my legs, which are actually very nice legs indeed, and have served me well for the past 63 years, are somehow too short.
So, here is where SWOT's post came in:
and not consumed with whatever happened in the past to make me have issues. I can attack the issues, but without them I don't have emotional flashbacks and less talking in my head by those who didn't value my high worth.
Oh. Good point.
Great point. "...and not consumed with whatever happened in the past to make me have issues."
"I can attack the issues, but without them I don't have emotional flashbacks...."
So, these feelings I am feeling today.
Those are emotional flashbacks. Yay, SWOT!
Thank you!!!
"I can attack the issues...."
Yes. I can and have and am, successfully attacking and addressing the issues.
I forgot about that for a minute, there.
Back to what I was going around and around about before SWOT's post came in.
Again, the value in it is how we can be sabotaged in our healing and hurt, instead of healed, when that happens.
Here is the thing: I feel so foolish for having insisted we (my FOO) could do this. I don't know whether I was hiding from reality or believing in a better one. I get it that my mom's voice is condemning the way I think. It feels like she must have been right about that ~ that I am somehow essentially foolish in my thinking. Like I was too cowardly to face up to what was real, so I pretended it was better but didn't mean it. Like I have been living a lie and willfully so.
Fraudulent, then.
The answer there has to be: She lies. My sister lies, too. (Well, and they do. But why would they lie about this, about what they believe about me, about who I am.)
What would Cedar do.
What I know for sure is that I have some places they have undeniably told lies.
The lies were told to adjust reality for their benefit.
So that is probably true about the things they have said about me ~ about my capacity to think, about how I see possibility, too.
But you know what I think of then?
I remember that I believed the male who beat my daughter had changed, too. I remember that I believed in him, too.
And you know what happened there; what he did, over time, to my daughter.
So...there is that thinking problem, again.
I should have kicked him right in his *** when she brought him to our house. Instead, I let him come in. I let him stay. I taught him how to make pastry. I listened to his stupid lies and I believed him and I believed in him.
Or am I beating myself up because that is what I was taught to do.
I am definitely beating myself up. Part of that is because of the family of origin situation and that I feel guilty about turning away instead of believing we could do this. Circle, again. But the truth is they did what they wanted to do whether I believed in them or not.
I am thinking about my sister when my father was in the hospital and she insisted he have suckers. It sounds foolish, but it is a sterling example.
Because so much of it is foolish like that. Stuff that doesn't matter to the point that you (that I) do not take a stand. Is that cowardice? Should I have stood up and said: "He needs glycerin swabs, you idiot sister. That is why they make them. Suckers worked for the man in the nursing home because he had not just had surgery."
But if my sister wanted to try suckers, I was okay with that. We were going to get the suckers together and my sister practically ran all the way.
Why is this coming up now.
To see her clearly.
And this is where SWOT's post came in.
Emotional flashback. Man, those feelings suck. I was circling further and further into them.
Close call, everyone.