I can so get the desire for your child to be home and yet the fear that past behaviors will rear their heads., I can tell you when the judge said to us this past Aug., "You don't like what the Residential Treatment Center (RTC) did, you take her, she's all yours. What do you people want? A magic bullet? I will be seeing her in my courtroom again."
We died, we had some possible placements and even some funding that JJS worker and I had worked on. She had been neglected and almost committed suicide (they left pills out in her reach) on their watch-how was he going to turn her loose with no support?
Of course she got home and it all started again. Her behaviors are not dangerous to us physically, but they were to herself-the running away to older people's, smoking pot, stealing. It is just now after 4 months that she is not running, pleasant, has a job. We were ready to send her away again. She said, "Thats all you do is to get rid of me when your mad." We had been told that this was manipulation. It wasn't. It was a girl who had spent most of her teen years in an Residential Treatment Center (RTC). She had suffered traumas that caused her behaviors and she was struggling to handle those emotionally without her family. She knew we loved her...in her mind she though we just wanted her out and didn't really believe her about her abuses. The psychiatric told us no more programs, she said no more programs, and our religious leader said I'll support you but really? Another program?
I just don't think that any help you get from most public workers will be too good. They are over worked, young or green (no one else would take these jobs), and our kids have to want to change!
The motivation for difficult child here? She's working; she doesn't have to handle school anymore, who knows. We just stopped fighting her. She has not run off since a month ago. No stealing for almost 2 months and mostly pleasant. Not perfect and I sure don't trust her. She has her first paycheck and of course I'm worried about what she'll do with money. At some point it is on them.
You do what you have to do. You won't ever live with yourself if you don't. You can't guarantee the outcome. difficult child knows what will happen if he screws up. He also knows you love him and want him. Even if there is no working towards reunification in the program-you work it! You'll be able to see him (here there were no restrictions at group home) so much more and build a relationship. If he comes home with no court orders (I think you should push like crazy for those), you lay it out on paper and follow through. We did that, not sure it works but we have been firm. You may need to include that he attend domestic violence groups at YWCA. Ours knows that she is out on her bum, no questions asked, when 18, if we believe any problem behaviors are there. She must be working or going to school as well. This scares her.