internet extreme porn


New Member
It was... temporary insanity.
Induced by years of missed diagnoses and unmet needs...
Oh, WE fought for it... nobody believed us until it got this far.

The diagnoses that fell between the cracks?
- Developmental coordination disorder, with significant challenges in both gross and fine motor skills,
- some sensory processing issues (priopreceptive?)
- Auditory Processing Disorder in the area of "hearing through background noise"

Started getting the right help... and the other problems are melting away like spring snow.

So... thanks. Just thought you'd like to know what happened next.


Well-Known Member
Trouble, one more thing about working from home. You can turn off your DSL unit when your son is on the computer. I know you're not into computer games, but I would still buy your son something to play on the computer to satisfy his compulsive needs. For example, my son was so desperate just to sit at a computer, he went through the entire series of "5th Grade" I bought at a teachers' store, lol! It has math, English, crossword puzzles, etc. Be SURE to turn off your DSL, though. And remove the battery if you have to. :) Resetting the system can be a pain but resetting your son's brain is more of a pain. :)


Well-Known Member
Can you tell us what type of professional diagnosed him? To me he sounds so typical Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)...I'm surprised they said he isn't one...from the poor communicator to lack of social skills to problems with handwriting and coordination.

Anyway, I'm going to offer a possible reason. Obviously, all of us are guessing. We don't and can't know why your son is doing this. Actually therapists can only guess as well. Much of our own reaction probably comes from our own religious and personal moral codes. Here is my .02, for what it's worth.

I personally don't think that seeking out this kind of sexual stuff is normal. I also don't think it's that unusual, since a lot of people DO like sex that is not mainstream. It does not mean that he would ever do this to somebody in a nonconsenual way, anymore than viewing porn makes one a rapist. But I'd be very worried about his interest in this, if it were my own child, and I would try to go further in finding out what is wrong.

Not all therapists are any good. Has your son ever been evaluated by a neuropsychologist? If not, I totally recommend a fresh eye from a neuropsychologist. Often neuropsychs find things that others miss because their testing is so intensive. Just to be safe, since your son does not tell you what goes on in his head, do keep him away from your daughter and make sure they are not alone. There are also therapists who deal with sexual may want to try to find one. I really don't think most mainstream therapists will know what to make of this...and probably we don't know either. This is such a touchy issue. We bring our own fears, experiences into it...

Keep us posted. Welcome to our board.


Active Member
It is interesting (and, of course gratifying!) that you are seeing so much improvement. Sometimes it happens that way - something that was 'stuck' gets unstuck, and the improvements can snowball.

The mild Aspie stuff fading - that can also happen with increased brain maturity as they get older. My older son (very Aspie but also very high-functioning) passes as "normal" to most people now. However, the traits are there when WE look, because we know where to look.

Just a thought for you to consider - if your son is improving so much, yet does have some mild Aspie traits (or did have) - consider that he may be doing extra well because he is exceptionally bright and capable. In which case - keeping the appropriate mental stimulation going, can see continued positive progress.

Thanks for letting us know. We love success stories!



Roll With It
I am THRILLED that his problems went away when you found the underlying problems and treated them!!! I am sure you are too, of course. It is so awesome that you got the help he needed andd that things are going so much better now!


Well-Known Member
Trouble, thanks for checking back.
What sort of help is he getting? Occupational Therapist (OT)? tutoring? What's going on, what's new with-him?