I'm so sorry. I haven't read all the replies....but the ones I have read sound like have provided good advice. Don't know her age, but since you are at the PE forum, it means she is over 18 and likely well over 18.
So, getting her admitted on a scholarship type deal is off. She needs treatment and I like the idea of trying to find a low cost place in your neighborhood. Also, REALLY like the idea of you attending Al Anon or Families Anonymous. They will help give you strength. Since she has bipolar illness, nothing wrong with you offering to help her out with medical expenses. She needs to see a doctor regularly and needs medication. BUT, not a good idea at all to enable her by letting her think it is ok in any, way, shape or form to steal. If you do not press charges this time, in my humble opinion, you should make it abundantly clear that this is the very last time that will ever happen again and if she steals even a paperclip from you again, call the police. I think you've done a good thing, by putting an end to this. I would NOT let her stay at your place again and again, let her know that the stealing WILL STOP and you WILL CALL THE POLICE the very next time it should happen (and really for real do it).
Agree to pay for medical services as you are willing to pay for it and as she is willing to get help. As best as you can, and this is REALLLLLL hard, get your emotions out of this, hope for the best, pray hard, recognize that this is NOT YOUR FAULT and move forward with YOUR LIFE as best as you can.