Jena -
The way it went down with Matt and I was a bit different than most. I had put up with utter hell for 3 years. He was verbally abusive to me, and sometimes physical. I scrappled, got him help, new medications, phosph, but I refused to put him in an Residential Treatment Center (RTC).
When my sister died, my whole life went into a whirlwind. I went to work and was bullied and harassed by a group of women that were below me, and thought they deserved to be above me in their careers. I would come home and just sit and cry over my sister and job, and Matt would come in and see me, and absorb it all. He stopped acting out, but became suicidal himself. He absorbed me just as I always absorbed him. We were very co-dependent, single mom, single son - we were enmeshed.
So my Dr had given me some Xanax to get through my sister's death, and unfortunately I left it on a shelf in the kitchen cabinet. I came home from work and Matt had taken 45 of the Xanax. Now instead of being passing out, or becoming unconscious, he became out of his mind. His 6'3 self struck me in the back and I fell to the ground. He began running out of the house to escape. He was OUT of his mind. I called the police while I locked myself in the house and waited.
The police came, and I told them to take him to the psychiatric unit. The next day, he and I both knew it was IT. Like, we could never ever go back to the way it was ever again. It was mutual. Not once has he ever asked to come back home, nor have I once ever wanted him. He went through 4 Residential Treatment Center (RTC) in 2 years, but we both knew he was not coming home.
He would come home on home visits, and as much as I loved him and wanted to see him, my heart would pound that he would become violent again, or there would be a situation that he would melt down over. I would not sleep a wink when he was on home visits.
So the bottom line is that we both knew it was not in either of our best interests to live together. How was he going to grow? And how was I going to find the peace and stability to grow if he was in my house. How would your difficult child find that peace and stability to grow?
These kid do not change over night. In fact when they do change, any past event can trigger them to regress, i.e. like living back at home. It is just not in their best interest, or yours.
I moved out when I was 18 because at the time I hated my parents and I loved my boyfriend. I was a mixed up, screwed up kid, and I am sure my parents had no hope. However, as my boyfriend stayed unemployed and became addicted to crack, I started to rise above. It was something in me - it just rose above and moved on. It took years - but I went on to have successful careers, and and successful interactions. Never once would I have wanted to move back home - EVER. The whole reason I moved out was because when I was around my parents I always felt less than. When I was on my own, I knew the world was my oyster - it was my choice to make it what I wanted. I loved that feeling. Perhaps your daughter will too. Do not risk taking that away from her - she needs to feel that she is capable of doing anything - all by herself.