I like the idea of Eeyore getting a name change if he would like to. Or at least an alias. Does he have a middle name he might like to use normally instead of his first name as soon as he turns 18? Since I have no clue what your real names are I will tell you about Cory's name. After I became lucid and realized I really didnt name him what I should have named him, I realized Cory was a fine name for a child and even an adult if he decided he liked it, however if grew up to be some sort of important person like a banker, lawyer or politician, I figured he might want to have a more important sounding name. If so he could go by his middle name and sound more important. At that point he would be C. Allen McXXXXX. That sounds a bit more formal. LOL. Now as if he ever had a chance at an important life so he is still Cory!
Perhaps Eeyore could be E. Adam Jones and Piglet could be P. Abigail Jones. Lots of kids actually go by their middle names...its quite common down in the south. Kanga might not even remember their middle names to be honest and only be looking for their first names and a picture of their faces.