kt took off early this morning with the monster to W.VA


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you. Gentle comforting hugs and prayers that the situation resolves itself quickly and without harm to anyone.


Well-Known Member
Linda I am very sorry to hear this news. I can only imagine the pain this is causing you after all you've gone through for the kids. Remember that a tiger does not lose its stripes so kt will be kt and biomonster will be biomonster. Kt is an adult now and hopefully knows how to get away from biomom if she wants and sadly it may be time when you have to let go. You will always be there to guide kt to help if she wants it but you can't make het want it right now.

Hugs to you as you try to recover from this blow.



I'm so sorry.
1000 x easier said than done, but do try to not internalize this. You have done your best and you can't do more than that.
No doubt KT and maybe both of the Tweedles have fantasies that birthmom is something different than what is reality. And if you/we are wrong...wow, what a miraculous blessing..right???
We have seen time and time again on this site that very often our children have to see things for themselves.
Hopefully, in due time...when the time is right....KT will approach you for direction.
Seek guidance from mental health counselors whom you trust, good friends and/or relatives who have been supportive and from your Higher Power.
Probably best not to intervene excessively, unless you know for a fact that her life is in imminent and real danger.
Leave the door open for her to come back.
This is too much for any human being to bare. PLEASE double up on your support and the reading of detachment literature.


Active Member
I would hope this is not a possibility but with this age of technology, does WM have access to a computer? If he has Facebook or Tweet or e-mail or whatever, even under a fictitious name, she may be able to communicate with him and find out where he is. You may want to make sure what he has access to - even video games that tap into the Internet to play with unknown contestants. KT may be able to guess at his user name in any of these.

Again, I would be surprised that he is allowed these items but better to be safe and ask then to be sorry that access was gained by such.


Well-Known Member
Your situation is unique and painful. I have not walked in your shoes. on the other hand, I know that sometimes it is impossible to change the course of fate and although I hope for the best for your children I still pray primarily for you and your future. DDD

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
Continued prayers, Linda. Hugs too!

Edited to ask: do you know whereabouts in WV? I have family there and I can ask my trusted sister to keep an eye out. I know it's a big state, but figured I'd throw it out there.


Well-Known Member
My thinking is saying WV is a cover. East coast is more likely and that more likely place is my old stomping grounds. Where better to get lost in the summer than at the beach where there are a million people. However she has to practically go right through my town to get there depending on how she goes and we can pop her picture up all over down there. And up here with Missing Teen. We can cover about 4 states right here with posters easily. Thats if you want her found.

timer lady

Queen of Hearts
Janet, I'm not sure I want kt found. And I have no clue where in West VA kt landed. I truly believe she needs to work this out herself. I pray for her safety.

wm, on the other hand, found out biomonster is looking for him via a friend of his & kt's & fb. He called and asked that we not give his whereabouts to her. "She hurt me, Mom" was his comment to me & his entire team.

In the meantime, biomonster is communicating with my family on kt's fb page. Telling my niece & my sister that the adoption was open. My sister actually called me & asked me about it. OMG! I have the paperwork, I know. Yet biomonster is so charming, so convincing that my sister doubted the situation. Geez. Big Sis finally agreed that she was being conned & and that biomonster was "good".

I'm finishing up a couple of tests & things today & heading down to my family. Going to spend a week or so with my dad~ get some golf in. My sisters & SILs are going to a concert on Friday night & then we're having a slumber party at my dad's house.

I could never live through all this with-o your support here on the board. My therapist was surprised & impressed with the amount of support & wisdom given here (she sneaked a peek). So therapist's orders ~ I'm to stick around a bit, offer wisdom & support & take it in return.


I am so glad you are handling this with the help of your therapist. He/she sounds awesome .... I mean .... to recommend you stick around HERE ..... gee. I think you're attitude about kt handling this herself, you're right. She IS an adult now you know. I'm glad wm KNOWS the reality and that he doesn't suffer the same delusions as kt. That is huge. I just hope the friends aren't conned by kt & bio and tell them where wm is. Especially not if he's not under some sort of guardianship or classified as a vulnerable adult.

I'm VERY proud of you Linda. I hope school is still going well and I am REALLY happy you are going to spend some quality time with your family. Maybe take the adoption paperwork with you to show big sis that biomonster is the one conning her. Why on earth are they allowing her to communicate with them period. I would feel betrayed in a big way if they didn't have her blocked. I'm sorry this is happening. You did nothing wrong. You adopted two severely abused children and did everything humanly possible, and then some, to help them. I'm sorry some of your family are actually believing bio's "delusions" and lies.

{{{{HUGS}}}} to you sweetie and have a WONDERFUL time with your family.

hearts and roses

Mind Reader
You sound very healthy and grounded, I'm so glad and relieved. Good for you going to visit family - do the things you love with those who love and care for you. Hugs~


Well-Known Member
Golf with dad! Perfect! That is just what i would have thought up if you came here wondering what to do next. Perfect!

Super hugs and support always here for you!


Well-Known Member
Im glad you are going to go spend time with your family. I dont trust that biomonster and KT are actually headed to anywhere they say they are.

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