Life update all? Vacations? Relationnshios? Anything?


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Thought I'd see if anyone wants to share.

Life is fast and frenzied here. Both us and Jumper are moving at the same time so we are busy helping each other. It's a zoo!

Speaking of zoo (ahem) Jumper and Hunter are getting a gorgeous golen retriever puppy in a few weeks and we just did one of my dreams....adopted a tiny Chihuahua with neurological problems. He is so sweet. Always wanted to adopt a doggy that may never find a home and this is truly that dog. Will post a picture soon. His name is Jackson. The rescue loves him and will keep him for us until we move because we can't have three dogs where we live now. Very excited, both Tom and myself. Love you, Jax!

Jumper doing great in Corrections. Works with all the cops in town and sees ALL the criminals and had to deal with an inmate who tried to commit suicide recently and was calm and collected as she stopped the bleeding from his neck. She received praise for possibly saving his life. But she dropped over after work that night, not so calm, freaked out. It was a hard experience but she said "This won't be the worst I see." When asked if she still liked her job she said,"Oh, absolutely." Proud mama here. This young woman is very smart and brave and calm in a crisis.

Other kids doing well but nothing out of the norm. We are going to visit Princess and Baby Joyful on June 30th. This will cover three birthdays!! Then Princess and Baby are coming here for my birthday and we should have our pontoon boat ready to sail by then.

Tom and I passed one more great year of marriage. We were meant to be.

I made a good friend who lives in the apartment complex we are in and it's great to have a bestie again. We text all the time and just talk and it's nice to trust someone so much. She is also very psychic, although she only tells certain people a out it. Fun, fun!

RV travel still on! Can't wait!

Come on, folks. You must have fun stuff to share :). And enquiring minds want to know ;)
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Well-Known Member
Just got home from visiting Miss KT in Oregon. Mom and I drove, and only has three mis-adventures. The first was when I hit a shifting paddle on the steering wheel, going 80 down the freeway. The engine revved up, the car slowed down...scared the crap out of us. Finally figured out how to make it stop. The second, we got lost in Eugene looking for a Starbucks and a Chevron station, in no particular order. The third was when the toilet in the hotel room backed up at 11 pm and the desk clerk brought us a plunger. Half an hour of plunging (Mom and I took turns) and we called the desk again. Maintenance man was awakened and brought in to fix it. Finally got everything sorted out and to bed by 2 am.

My plan for the summer is to de-clutter the kitchen and do a lot of reading. We have Hubby's family reunion this Saturday, and will be staying pretty close to home for the remainder of the summer.


Well-Known Member
KT, your summer plans sound lovely and peaceful. Good for you and hub!

Oregon trip sounds like enough "excitement" to last all year!!!


100% better than I was but not at 100% yet
We're heading to Alabama on Saturday to close on our new home. We come back Tuesday and then have the fourth of July holidays. The following week movers come to pack us up and we are heading to our new home in Alabama. So lots going on in our lives right now!! Will be happy once we have moved and are settled.


Well-Known Member
We went to see my older kids in May, after all school-related things were done for the year, and before summer stuff started. We had a good time.

My older daughter is engaged. Her hubby-to-be is in his fourth year of surgical residency and in the military, so in another year they will be stationed who-knows-where. They are excited. She is planning to quit her job, of course, and is a bit scared about that, but also happy as she would like to be a stay-at-home mom eventually if they have kids. My son will be going for his doctorate, and will be moving as well, so visits will get more complicated.

We had planned our usual getaway around the Fourth of July, but that has been canceled as of now. We are in the middle of trying to bring hubby’s parents back here from AZ where they have lived for more than a couple of decades. It’s quite an undertaking, as they are approaching their 90s, and they can be difficult about some things. It happened unexpectedly, so we didn’t have time to prepare.

My youngest daughter’s summer is busy as usual: online math class, several art, ceramics, jewelry making, welding classes (not online) ballet for three hours several nights per week, swimming, etc. always has stuff going on.
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Active Member
No big plans for the summer but we have petitioned the Court for Permanent Guardianship of our grandson. He's not mine biologically so we wanted to ensure he would stay with me should anything happen to hubs. Hearing's not till November but there's a lot of paperwork, background checks, home visits, etc involved that need to be completed before then.

Taking our grandson to Hershey Park next week. He doesn't know about it yet and I'm sure he'll be over the moon when we tell him! He's turning 7 soon and I just can't believe it!! We've had him full time since he was 2.

My kids are all doing well. Youngest just turned 21 and is pursuing a career in law enforcement. Older 2 both live out of state but we see them as often as possible. Granddaughter is 5 and is so precious and beautiful!

Step daughter has been clean this time for about a year and seems to be doing well. Haven't seen her since last August but hubs speaks with her. I don't really have much contact with her, which is the way I prefer it. She face times grandson infrequently. I kind of think it's more detrimental since it's so sporadic but she's too wrapped up in her own life to keep any decent schedule.

We spend most of our time outside of work with grandson at his Tae Kwon Do classes (4 evenings a week). He's really good at it and he loves it! Already running out of room on his trophy shelf!

Life is good. Looking forward to some beach time. Hoping to move later this year/early next year - downsizing! I can't wait!!!


Well-Known Member
I haven't responded here because I can't think of much. Jabber and I have had our two, one-week, medieval camping vacations of this year, in March and then just this month. This was our first time in the new tent - we literally got it out of the box and put it up - and it earned it's keep in two torrential downpours. :) But that's all the usual vacation we normally do. A bit later this summer we'll have a family reunion to go to, but that's a day trip. Our neighbors have offered to have us come to their cabin on the river (which sounds like a scary movie when you write it out) and we'll likely spend a weekend with them. So it's really just a weekend here and there and no real plans.

I have a HUGE list of home-improvement projects that will take up all our free time between now and our funerals - and we'll likely do none of them. :( We annoy me.

I do have a new hobby. I took more classes in lampwork bead making at the last event and have bought a torch. All I need now is the hose, regulator, gas, and some misc. equipment and I'll be making beads. :) How many beads does a person need, you may ask? Well, not as many as I will likely make. LOL But it's fun and kind of creative and I plan on using a lot of recycled glass wine and liquor bottles just because. ;)

On the kiddo front, ours has still not given a ring to the most deserving and perfect girlfriend ever...and I told him to hurry it up! He says he's looking for a second job and they plan to get a puppy. Last time I talked to him it was a it's a puppy. So who knows with him, but he seems to be contented and that's alright.

Can't think of anything else to say.

Wiped Out

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My summer started off busy but wonderful. Six of us teachers from work went on a Caribbean Cruise! I had never been before and it felt like paradise! Three days after I got home I went to a family reunion and when I got home my husband had gone to Michigan to pick up two of my great-nieces.

They spent the entire week with us and we had a ball. We swam a lot, took in the Children's Museum, and the zoo. Last night a bunch more of our family from Michigan came and we spent the day at the water park in Wisconsin Dells.

Tomorrow they are all going home but no rest for the weary. Another of my great-nephews is having a birthday party tomorrow for his first birthday ( about am hour and a half drive).

Both kiddos are doing well. Our daughter graduated from college in May but is finishing up her internship this summer along with one on-line course.

Our son is working hard at four jobs and turned 21 this month. We are fighting for ADRC and Social security for him. Long story!

Most of the rest of the summer should be a bit quieter.


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I’m doing Fourth of July at my house and having all the family over. Not fully prepared yet. Ugh.

Was looking for a good place to travel that is not too hot and we decided on Rhode Island for a quick summer get away.

Tired out

Well-Known Member
It sounds like there are some fun and busy summer plans here.
I am in the midst of updating our house and painting. Hubby repaired the walls that difficult son damaged. We have almost finished (3/4 done) repainting the 3 upstairs bedrooms and soft cream. I have picked out new carpet for the house and they are coming to take measurements Monday. My hubby is wonderful. He is totally on board with the update to the house.
Last weekend I went "home" for my niece's high school graduation. Hubby held down the fort here with out our oldest son and the cats. Our sweet, special, adorable, caring daughter came and hang out with her dad and brother while I was away. It was really good for her dad to have her come here and spend some daddy/daughter time and they got to chat without mom here. I think It is really good for him to spend time with her without me. He laughed and said that it was really nice to spend time with her but he thought she really came to hang out with my kitten. Well duh..everyone wants to hang out with my little darling kitten. I missed my kitten desperately while I was away, and it was only 2 days :).
I hope you all have wonderful days this summer.

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