Looking for advice concerning my 13-year-old

New Leaf

Well-Known Member
You are doing very well.
I know, the feeling, waiting for the other shoe to drop, it is hard when our children are teens and going through so much.
We go through it with them.UGH.
So, one day at a time, and keep telling her that she has a bright future, but it is up to her to grab it.
And it is up to her, even at this age. Well, maybe especially at this age, Yah?
Since the school she is at, is the only alternative, then it is what it is.
You have a system for drop off and pick up that is working, this is a good thing.

Sometimes at this age I think the acting out is really a cry for more discipline and rules.
You are doing the very best job as a loving mom that you can do.
That is all any child could ask for, to be loved completely.

The trust, she will have to build that for you,
not you, her.
She broke it, now she needs to fix it.

I do so hope you have time for yourself to do joyful things,
you are important and have much value.
In order for you to maintain your health, it is important to have an outlet to rebuild and replenish yourself.

One day at a time SF.
You will get through this.

Strength, courage, joy and peace.