I agree, Broken. But she will not. There is nothing, just for right now, just for today, that you can do to change your daughter's mind.
You have tried everything you know.
Now, if you can learn to let go of the pain of it, if you can learn to trust that everything is as it was meant to be, then, little by little, things will get better for you. Whether your daughter calls is less the issue here than your own survival. As we discussed before Broken, there are people, children, animals, libraries, schools, right in your own town who do need you, who would be so grateful to hear from you and to have you in their lives.
Sometimes Broken, we don't get those things that we so desperately want. Then, we need to learn how to survive without them.
That may be the only choice we have.
You have to try, Broken.
If you are too sad at this point to take on a volunteer commitment, then are you able to take a walk? What about just going outside to sit on the porch? I did that, this morning. Just sat there quietly.
I heard the most incredible birdsong, Broken.
Just a few minutes in the sun. You can do that. Maybe tomorrow, you could take a short walk.
Small steps will get you out of where you are, now. Small, small steps. One day, you can look back, and see how far you have come.