No, my older daughter (the one who took drugs and once dressed like a goth and scared told me some 11 and 12 year olds have sex. She didn't say it was most kids though. She said it wasn't most kids, and she is brutally honest, almost too honest. Even if LOTS of kids are, mine isn't so far, and I hope she doesn't until she is a lot older. I'm way past believing the kids will be virgins when they marry, and I don't care. I just hope they wait until they are in a loving relationship and, for pity sakes, use protection, but there's no guarantee of that. I think communication is the best thing a parent of a teen can have. I think they listen more than they let you believe. However, although they listen, not all kids take our advice, and we just have to hope they do.
I learned a lot from parenting my oldest daughter. I hope I learned enough to be a better mother to the younger one. With the older one, I went through a divorce, had to work full time, and didn't have as much time for her as I would have liked. And she also didn't have much self-esteem--never had. This one gets a stay at home mom, a dad, lots of friends, talent in athletics, and seems more conventional than rebellious (if that makes sense). I hope for the best, but know how teens can change and suddenly go wild.