My pet peave about Narcan? It gives a false sense of security to a user. It is not failsafe. Timing means a lot, so does dose of drug that causes the use of Narcan. All of these things make me LOATHE the idea, but the 'piece de resistance'? The users have no idea the damage they are doing to their bodies BEFORE Narcan, and thus, they believe it fixes the problem. It. Does. Not.
When I worked in the ER, a patient came in overdosed, we used Narcan and chest compressions and other interventions. When the patient was wakeful enough to ask, she wanted to go home. She became extremely agitated when we did not let her go home. The time in the overdosed state deprives vital organs of oxygen-rich blood, therefore creating the possibility of great damage. The time spent in the hospital after Narcan is to check the function of those vital organs...not to mention what Narcan itself may do to the body.
It's not a free ride, and many users will be more relaxed and comfortable believing it IS. I hate it and I always will.
The real fix is not in a reversal drug.
I'm crying.