Hound dog
Nana's are Beautiful
I look at Nichole these days and often think back to her teen years and think "wow! Is this really the same person?" The Nichole I see today is even much different from the one I saw two years ago or last year.
She has been working on getting/staying stable, and her behavior/anger issues since Aubrey came into this world. It's been a long road with some pretty bad spots, but I think she is reaching the other side or at least getting close to it. I couldn't begin to imagine the number of long discussions we've had over the years, the number of times that I've literally grabbed her forced her to look me in the eye and told her that I love her, I believe in her, and that she is not the sum of her behaviors. I've worked hard to get her to trust herself, to believe in herself, to love herself for the person she is. I know I put in much time and physical effort with Travis, but in all honestly, Nichole was the child who challenged me the most and the one I was most scared of never being able to reach. The two of us are so very much alike that I knew exactly what I was up against. You'd think that would help.........and in many ways it did, but it also meant I knew what I was up against and that I very well might fail miserably.
Maturity is covering my daughter like a cape. While she's not more perfect than the rest of us, she's an awesome Mom to Aubrey, just as I knew she would be as long as she believed in herself and trusted her own instincts and what she'd been taught. She's spent the last couple of years trying to decide what she wants for her life, not unlike most kids her age. She has though long and hard, tried several things. But has finally come down to she just wants to be a full time Mommy while Aubrey and the baby to come are little.
She and boyfriend are planning to wed next sept. She is thrilled.
Some of the old issues between those two are still there. Well, I'm not sure it's really "between" them as it's boyfriend who actually has the issues. Nichole has just finally decided he is going to respect her and her wishes or there will be no more relationship, that she is a person in her own right able to make her own decisions about her own life.
Needless to say boyfriend is not dealing with that very well. He flat out doesn't want her to be a stay at home mom and calls her lazy for wanting to do it, or a moocher. Since she is at home now, he expects (yup exactly what he told her) the apartment to be spotless and dinner to be made......then feels free to mess it up while he's home. If she doesn't clean it to his expectations he will carry on and on.......if she gets mad and tells him off, he was only "joking" but will continue. I had them over for dinner this weekend and the fool started it here. It didn't go well for him. lol But I was very proud of Nichole because she got that Momma look in her eye, faced him down, and told him in the Momma voice she did NOT appreciate what he had to say and if he truly felt that way then perhaps they need to rethink the whole marriage thing. boyfriend shut up fast. She was dead serious and you had to be blind not to know it.
So tonight she is chatting and seems he's started it again. He puts her down for just wanting to be a full time parent. He acts like holding down a house, raising their daughter is a piece of cake......especially since she spends the larger part of every day tossing her cookies or nauseaous. This from the guy who couldn't handle it for 3 months while he was on summer break from school and nichole was working........their house was trashed, half the time aubrey wasn't even dressed omg!
She's fed up with being disrespected. She loves him, but she's sick of his behaviors. She has changed so much while he has changed not so very much. And she is finally seeing that. He has changed, but when it comes to this junk......no, he hasn't really it's just a lot less than before.
I told her they really need to get this worked out before they get married or there is no point because it's just not going to last. She agreed. OMG She agreed!
These are boyfriend's issues. He has an issue with commitment. He has issues with the way he views females....... like they are only out to take advantage of him. As long as he continues to view females that way........it will never work. I think this stems from anxiety......I'm pretty darn sure it does.......but still, Nichole has had enough of it.
Again I was proud of Nichole because she didn't go do something childish or go off the deep end or any of the old behaviors. She came to me for advice.....which I just sort of really drug out what she was feeling instead of advising. Then talked to him after Aubrey went to bed. Who knows if he actually listened this time. I hope he did. Because the whole marriage thing has seemed to bring these issues of his into sharp focus for Nichole, and she is ready to walk away for good if he can't change his behavior/attitude toward her.
And this is what she posted to my facebook the other day totally out of the blue :
I just wanted to tell you how much I love you, how much you mean to me, and how thankful I am to have a mother that was so supportive, took my side when I needed it, believed me when no one else did, and stood up for me. I couldn't have done this with out you, I couldn't have been a good mother to my daughter if I didn...'t have someone show me how, and I know for damn sure me and boyfriend wouldn't have got this far with out you! I love you so much!!!! ♥
When I saw it I just sat there and sobbed like a big baby. lol Yup. Proud of my little girl. She is rapidly growing into the woman I always knew she could be. And if boyfriend isn't careful........he's going to lose her. Idiot.
Now let's just hope I haven't triggered the board curse. lol
And I hope that by some miracle I can reach Katie. sigh There are too many difficult children in my life lol
She has been working on getting/staying stable, and her behavior/anger issues since Aubrey came into this world. It's been a long road with some pretty bad spots, but I think she is reaching the other side or at least getting close to it. I couldn't begin to imagine the number of long discussions we've had over the years, the number of times that I've literally grabbed her forced her to look me in the eye and told her that I love her, I believe in her, and that she is not the sum of her behaviors. I've worked hard to get her to trust herself, to believe in herself, to love herself for the person she is. I know I put in much time and physical effort with Travis, but in all honestly, Nichole was the child who challenged me the most and the one I was most scared of never being able to reach. The two of us are so very much alike that I knew exactly what I was up against. You'd think that would help.........and in many ways it did, but it also meant I knew what I was up against and that I very well might fail miserably.
Maturity is covering my daughter like a cape. While she's not more perfect than the rest of us, she's an awesome Mom to Aubrey, just as I knew she would be as long as she believed in herself and trusted her own instincts and what she'd been taught. She's spent the last couple of years trying to decide what she wants for her life, not unlike most kids her age. She has though long and hard, tried several things. But has finally come down to she just wants to be a full time Mommy while Aubrey and the baby to come are little.
She and boyfriend are planning to wed next sept. She is thrilled.
Some of the old issues between those two are still there. Well, I'm not sure it's really "between" them as it's boyfriend who actually has the issues. Nichole has just finally decided he is going to respect her and her wishes or there will be no more relationship, that she is a person in her own right able to make her own decisions about her own life.
Needless to say boyfriend is not dealing with that very well. He flat out doesn't want her to be a stay at home mom and calls her lazy for wanting to do it, or a moocher. Since she is at home now, he expects (yup exactly what he told her) the apartment to be spotless and dinner to be made......then feels free to mess it up while he's home. If she doesn't clean it to his expectations he will carry on and on.......if she gets mad and tells him off, he was only "joking" but will continue. I had them over for dinner this weekend and the fool started it here. It didn't go well for him. lol But I was very proud of Nichole because she got that Momma look in her eye, faced him down, and told him in the Momma voice she did NOT appreciate what he had to say and if he truly felt that way then perhaps they need to rethink the whole marriage thing. boyfriend shut up fast. She was dead serious and you had to be blind not to know it.
So tonight she is chatting and seems he's started it again. He puts her down for just wanting to be a full time parent. He acts like holding down a house, raising their daughter is a piece of cake......especially since she spends the larger part of every day tossing her cookies or nauseaous. This from the guy who couldn't handle it for 3 months while he was on summer break from school and nichole was working........their house was trashed, half the time aubrey wasn't even dressed omg!
She's fed up with being disrespected. She loves him, but she's sick of his behaviors. She has changed so much while he has changed not so very much. And she is finally seeing that. He has changed, but when it comes to this junk......no, he hasn't really it's just a lot less than before.
I told her they really need to get this worked out before they get married or there is no point because it's just not going to last. She agreed. OMG She agreed!
These are boyfriend's issues. He has an issue with commitment. He has issues with the way he views females....... like they are only out to take advantage of him. As long as he continues to view females that way........it will never work. I think this stems from anxiety......I'm pretty darn sure it does.......but still, Nichole has had enough of it.
Again I was proud of Nichole because she didn't go do something childish or go off the deep end or any of the old behaviors. She came to me for advice.....which I just sort of really drug out what she was feeling instead of advising. Then talked to him after Aubrey went to bed. Who knows if he actually listened this time. I hope he did. Because the whole marriage thing has seemed to bring these issues of his into sharp focus for Nichole, and she is ready to walk away for good if he can't change his behavior/attitude toward her.
And this is what she posted to my facebook the other day totally out of the blue :
I just wanted to tell you how much I love you, how much you mean to me, and how thankful I am to have a mother that was so supportive, took my side when I needed it, believed me when no one else did, and stood up for me. I couldn't have done this with out you, I couldn't have been a good mother to my daughter if I didn...'t have someone show me how, and I know for damn sure me and boyfriend wouldn't have got this far with out you! I love you so much!!!! ♥
When I saw it I just sat there and sobbed like a big baby. lol Yup. Proud of my little girl. She is rapidly growing into the woman I always knew she could be. And if boyfriend isn't careful........he's going to lose her. Idiot.
Now let's just hope I haven't triggered the board curse. lol
And I hope that by some miracle I can reach Katie. sigh There are too many difficult children in my life lol