as Paul Harvey says - the rest of the story.
Well there wasn't any pre-banter but there was additional information. (Good Detective work DF)
Story goes -
Dude and buddies were riding in bike lane at the beach. Kid in car rides up with his buddies in car and swerves on purpose whooping and hollering, didn't mean to hit Dude - but did - then didn't stop - took off. Dude's friends raced on bikes after the driver. Driver obviously knew he was in trouble and took off, but got stopped by beach traffic. Buddies threaten guys in car, and it gets heated. Dude comes up a minute or two later and asks driver "WTH?" Driver laughs, saying he was just kidding, but before he could say anything else - Dude tells him to get out of his car and driver refuses, still laughing. Drivers friends start to get out, Dudes friends keep them in the car - Driver still refuses to get out so Dude pounds windshield, tells driver to get out, driver starts to get out and thinks better of it and Dude beats windshield 4 more times. Starts to leave saying more ugly things - and driver actually uses his car to HIT Dude, and Dude rolls up on the guys car, hits the windshield and rolls off on the side and onto the road. Dude's friends pick Dude up, the bike and witnesses see this happen - kid freaks out - hits the gas - takes off and skids into 2 parked cars. Witness in crosswalk see Dude roll off car, see kid hit parked cars and at this point police are seeing this - and all they see is kid hit last parked car that takes off.
Police pull car over - Dude is worried he's in trouble for punching windhsield - cop figures it's a he said, he said situation - despite witnesses saying kid hit Dude? Dude says nothing...still afraid about windshield, and Dude says What if he hit me with his car AFTER all the tickets were written - Cop said you don't have much of a case NOW....and that's what the LEO was talking about.
Dude does (we think) have an outstanding warrant out for himself for failure to complete probation. He tried to turn himself in to the police where he was and they said they can't arrest him there for something he did here. So.....if he does go after this kid for running him over - and I hope he does - maybe he can earn enough money to get an attorney to help him with the problems he created for himself here. The things that stuck out to me were if he did get an attorney there - tell them he has problems here, and let them know everything that happened as it happened. Even the window punching - etc. Dude's friends seem to be more upset about it than he is. He's more upset that his bike is wrecked and the one thing he really liked to do - ride competetively - is done. He was really trying to use that to keep himself out of trouble and busy.
He said even when he tries to be good - everthing comes out of the woodwork to get him. I said "YUP that's the way it seems some days, and then other days? You have really good days that make up for those bad ones." Whatever happens? It's not my concern - but I am glad to hear there was more to the story and he was able to eventually let me know - I'm not happy he wasn't able to confide it all upfront - but a day later is better than never. Baby steps I guess. Ugh.
Makes not getting involved all the more worthwhile.......thanks for the good advice.