This is an interesting question!! Since the middle of last year, our difficult child needs an hour of wake-up calls before he can remove himself from bed. His therapist has the idea that since he has gained a lot of weight and has sensory intergration issues, maybe sounds are iineffective in waking him up. Ironically, if he has to get himself up to do something he wants to do, he can set his alarm and spring out of bed.
And last irony: His sleep anxiety means for the last 6 months, he's been setting his cell phone alarm to go off at 3,4,5, AM. He says it helps him go to sleep that he knows he will be awakened and not die in the night.So the alarm goes off, AND HE DOESN"T WAKE UP!!! I DO! :grrr:I am the light sleeper in the family, so for the first 2 months of this, my suffering was met with denial on his part and humor on the part of husband. Not until the alarm started going off on weekend mornings did husband get into the act. Now I just take his phone before he goes to bed. Makes me the popular one around here. :rolleyes: Lucky me!!
And last irony: His sleep anxiety means for the last 6 months, he's been setting his cell phone alarm to go off at 3,4,5, AM. He says it helps him go to sleep that he knows he will be awakened and not die in the night.So the alarm goes off, AND HE DOESN"T WAKE UP!!! I DO! :grrr:I am the light sleeper in the family, so for the first 2 months of this, my suffering was met with denial on his part and humor on the part of husband. Not until the alarm started going off on weekend mornings did husband get into the act. Now I just take his phone before he goes to bed. Makes me the popular one around here. :rolleyes: Lucky me!!