Prayers Needed


Oh Culturana.....I have been away for the last two weeks and just came upon this now. Prayers, hugs, love and light from Canada. This is just heart breaking but I hope our thoughts give you strength during this journey.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all so much.

My stepson has dramatically and markedly improved. He is still under heavy sedation but is continuing to show signs that he is beginning to awaken. His physical condition is improving. His right leg has been heavily damaged by the tubing and piping required by the life support devices, but that can be corrected down the line. The important thing is that he lives.

The doctors are optimistic enough that he was seen by a physical therapist and a rehabilitation specialist today. They seem to believe, given his progress today especially, that he will make a very strong recovery. His cognitive functioning is still unknown because he is so heavily sedated. This remains the biggest wildcard but his physical survival SEEMS (fingers crossed) all but assured at this point.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts and prayers. He is not out of the woods yet but he seems to be fighting his way back to us.

Our lives will never be the same.

More updates as I have them.


Well-Known Member
I am holding your family in prayer and love. Many gentle hugs as you face the journey ahead of you. The wagons are circled, the campfires are lit, and we breathe healing out into the universe to wrap your son in love and light.

pigless in VA

Well-Known Member
I'm sure your family will not ever be the same. Remember that nothing is all bad or all good. Sometimes the thing that seems the hardest teaches us the most valuable lessons. More love and support ~~~~~~~~~


Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone,

I am taking a "day off" from the hospital today. Our laundry has piled up, the dishwasher is full, the cupboard is bare and I am returning to work tomorrow. No matter how hard you are hit by life's twists and turns, there is a comfort in routines. In many ways these little things are helping me to keep my sanity. My wife just left and will keep me updated.

My stepson is stable at this time. He remains on life support, both chemical (medications) and mechanical (dialysis, ECMO heart and lung machine). They have already begun removing some of the medications and he has tolerated that well. If all goes well they will begin to remove some of the machines today and completely take him off life support tomorrow. There is a good chance he will continue to need dialysis as the kidneys take longer to recover. We are praying that he can come off life support as soon as possible, because after about ten days, the life support machines start doing more harm than good and can cause complete organ failure among other things. He is on his fifth day of life support as of tonight.

His right leg is essentially mangled from the knee down as a result of the invasive procedures required to hook him up to life support. He will need extensive physical therapy and probably surgeries to repair the damage, but it is a small price to pay for his life.

We still have no idea about how he has been impacted neurologically by all of this. Once he is taken off the heavy sedatives, they will be able to tell us more. If he is very lucky he will retain most, or even all, of his cognitive capacity, though I would be very surprised if we did not see some changes in his personality and of course his memory. Some of the doctors are optimistic that we will see this kind of result. If he is less lucky, he may have sustained traumatic brain injury from his initial cardiac arrest and multiple resuscitations afterwards. There is brain activity measured on the EEG so he is not brain dead and for that we are grateful. Physically, his heart is doing much better and his lungs are slowly improving from the aspiration pneumonia.

Difficult Stepson has been around regularly and he seems to be coping pretty well. He has been quiet and keeping to himself mostly. He seems to have gotten back together with his girlfriend. I am glad he has her to support him through this. After this experience, as you might imagine, Difficult Stepson's issues seem quite minor.

If anybody knows of any forums similar to this one for those affected by attempted suicide, please send me a private message. I have found many resources for those whose loved ones have completed suicide but not so many for people in our situation. We will certainly be seeking out professional help to cope with this tragedy as well.

More updates as I have them Thank you all.


Active Member
I'm glad your taking a day to sort out the basic stuff of everyday life. I would be like you, talking laundry and loading the dishwasher. Those sorts of activities always help me feel more grounded even during normal times.

Reading your latest post, your step son's condition sounds dangerous but stable, at least. I will continue to hold you all in my heart.

pigless in VA

Well-Known Member

This is one of the best, most supportive, most active forums I have ever participated in. I am so happy for your family that younger son is fighting to regain his life.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all. My wife is beginning to fall apart as the shock wears off and reality sets in. My mother in law took her to the hospital this morning because she felt too shaky to drive. I will be going there immediately after work and depending on what is happening, I will either leave her there to stay the night or bring her back home with me. I am doing everything I can for her, but the time will come when she may require intensive professional help, maybe even hospitalization. This is a marathon and we have only just started.

The next two days are critical for YS' recovery. He has to come off the life support as soon as possible because of the complications he is experiencing from it, which themselves can be life-threatening. He may yet lose a portion of his right leg which is in bad shape and hampering his overall recovery. The good news is his heart is doing well, his blood pressure has returned to normal and his aspiration pneumonia is also clearing up more and more each day.

The procedure to remove the life support apparatus is risky and we are apprehensive but it is a necessary step. After that is completed the final hurdle will be neurological. We have no idea what to expect and it is probably our biggest worry after losing him completely, which is still a possibility.

Keep the prayers coming, I'll update later tonight or tomorrow. You are all wonderful.

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