Hello everyone, I'm a mess right now, struggling to keep myself happy for my little girl. She can sense when mommy is very sad, even at 2 she will come over and say "somefin wong mommy?" . Then when I start to cry she does the same so I must be strong for her when in her presence ...when I'm alone it's just me and God and I'm interceding for my son in prayer with tears.
My oldest daughter ( 24 ) and I went to visit him and when I saw him I was completely devastated, he was skinny, scared and looked like he'd been violated if not living in the most humiliating confines.They get stripped search with other guys in the same room , they have to bend over and everything, this happens both when they have someone coming to visit them in which they are only allowed an hour a week. With his dignity taken away I didn't know what to say, I gave him a hug and a kiss.
I held him in my arms for a bit and was glad the Prison at least granted him that with me. All the other inmates in the room had the same with their loved ones that came to see them. Only the other guys seemed to have hope and some were even smiling...It's more than likely these were the guys who'd been there awhile and maybe were about to be released ( it's only a 2 year Prison ) not that that is any vacation but my son looked as if all hope was lost. I tried to pull myself together.
No pillow at night, only a small toothpaste and a small plastic toothbrush. They don't give him a blanket, it's only 2 sheets and a towel, of course each cell gets a toilet but it's not enclosed so they have to do their business in front of whoever is in the cell with him. He has 2 cellmates ...1 is 24 and the other is 38. God only knows what they did.
My son had never been in Prison before...my goodness he'd never been in a courtroom before (still waiting for a hearing & trial with a minor marijuana charge in 1 county and a D.U.I in the other. This indeed is his first assault charges but the fact is he did have a pipe in his hand and made bodily contact with one of the kids on the leg they robbed it is nonetheless considered assault. His "buddy" has a slew of assault charges ( including 1 sexual ) from another county and was on probation.
Now my son is freaking out praying these witnesses ( the victims) will be honest about the other guy who took a pipe and a gun (beebee) to one of the kids head. My son did say he this guy would get out of his car and beat the hell out of people for no reason at all ...but I kinda think the victims owed the guy money. My son said he knew this guy in High School and called him for a place to stay when he had to where to go. He is taking full responsibility for his actions of course but the judge will want to know the entire situation ( or so I'm hoping ). I think it is best for my son to let the judge know that he was high off a drug that made him angry. But again, there is no excuse. When my son saw how this "buddy" of his was a crazy drug dealer he should've gotten out of the picture. He stayed with the guy because I'm sure the guy was his supplier. Again..no excuse, just what might very well be the facts. So...
now my son is faced with whether or not he wants to be a "snitch" as they call it. Well, I don't see it as being a snitch but as saving himself from 5 years or more. I don't know if criminal laws differ in which state you reside in.
This other guy "his buddy", has multiple instagram pictures of loads of weed, flaunting his money ...he even stupidly has the header as "dirty money" with the big bags of weed, and even a screen shot of the balance in his account of one of the guys credit card which was in the thousands, and here's my son...with a balance of less than $ 98.00 in his only acct.
Dear God... now my son is worried that this kids lawyer will pay off the witnesses to blame everything on him. oh God, this is a mess. I wish my son never got mixed up with him.
Nancy and Lil, I do have a question...if I got him an attorney ( just for the preliminary) will it help him any this late in the game? The hearing is scheduled for next Wednesday. I will hand over my sons phone to my sons lawyer and of course let him know to only use it if it won't incriminate my son in anyway since although it shows the threats from the guy...I'm sure it shows a few of my sons marijuana sells in the past.
Again, I can only afford an attorney for the preliminary but that is important since that is where charges could be dropped if any. I'm trying to get the detective to release the police reports made that night. This would tell me more.
I will add that my son said yes he made threats to the kids so they would hand over their cell phones but that when he had the pipe, he barely hit the kids leg...would the judge ask the kid to lift his pants and see if there is a bruise? Again...the police report will tell me more of what transpired that night.