Thanks, Abbey, Witzend, and Wyntersgrace (and others who responded) . I'm doing everything I can to get husband up to speed and on the same page. I have given him responsibility for handling everything connected with difficult child unless he's physically at work, and I do see changes in attitude and approach already.
And difficult child has been clean and sober - clean since coming home, and sober since the end of June. That's only a couple of weeks, I know, but it's progress. He knows the consequence if he drinks again, even a little.
Suz, thanks for the link. I haven't tried home drug tests but will look into it.
Nomad, thank you very very much for your comments. I've been feeling guilty that difficult child isn't working yet and recently made it non-negotiable. When difficult child said he'd like to go part-time at first I said nothing doing, go full-time. Yet he's having some major side-effects from new medications just introduced, having tremors, fatigue, and muscle pain. I know he couldn't work a 10-hour day at the produce store he applied to if they call tomorrow. I'm constantly torn between making allowance for physical symptoms and illness, and not wanting to be conned. Or is this conversion stemming from increased anxiety?
Think I'll take difficult child to the family doctor this week and rule a few things out. And maybe I should reconsider letting him work part-time to start. Because you're right, Nomad, he has a diagnosis besides his addiction that complicates matters and I think it would be very bad for him to fail repeatedly at jobs. Better, perhaps, to start slowly and then take on more.
Thanks again