Schools closed here--again tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Schools were open here, despite wind chills around -25F. :wildone: We're fortunate that Duckie gets picked up in front of our house because she's in kindergarten. The older kids have to wait at the corner or bus stop. *
We'll see about tomorrow. :hammer:


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stepmom & Nomad,

I was thinking the same thing today when I was walking out to my car after school. I was bundled up in a wool coat, scarf, and gloves, and grumbled the whole time about how cold I was ~ and it was 43 degrees (but windy).

I'd never get out of bed if I lived in Minnesota. *



New Member
well, I had to go get a new car battery and first jump the car to do so, then to get an oil change, the oil places pipes froze and burst- so I was the only cusotmer they took was minus 10 not counting kids had school---the HS is very cold inside.....
I put on my coat, a sweatshirt, and ran.LOL.

I am thinking of asking my rheumetologist about if I can up some of my medications, tho cuz yes, I am now flaring cuz of the weather. have a pot of chili on and am making some very special homemade cocoa with bakers chocolate.

I have definetly dealt with much much colder weather------

I cannot decide which I dislike more, this kind of cold or the horrid heat and high humidity we can sometimes get in late July and August.YUK........seems I can remember some dayas of like maybe around 115 with like 99% humidity.......I can tell you I REALLY feel physically ill from that kind of heat. YUK.

Sue C

Active Member
Windchill here was 34 degrees below zero this morning. Schools were closed and are going to be closed again tomorrow. It was a lazy day for me. I stayed in my pj's all day!!!!

Melissa just left in her car. It's up to 20 degrees below zero windchill now, but she did not wear a hat, scarf, or even gloves!


Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Our schools were closed 2 days last week and today due to cold. I honestly didn't think it was all that horrid. Windchill was - teens something or other. Currently it is 4 degrees and the windchill is - 8. Not too awful. But school is already closed again tomorrow.

They sure never closed school due to windchill for us either. (grew up in Illinois) Only for snow, and it had to be ALOT of snow.

We are being warned of a major snow storm moving into the area tomorrow.

The college isn't closed. I doubt it will. It has yet to close either due to cold or snow. Roads have to be impassable for them to close.

I'm keeping a close eye on the windchill though as our dog Rowdy is outside. He's getting old and the bitter cold gets to him despite the straw in his kennel and the tarps we put up to block the wind. If it dips down too far, he is brought into the house into a crate to sleep.

Now my outside cats are complaining though. lmao They have a small doghouse outside for shelter on our front porch. But we do bring them in every couple of hours to get warm. Can't just let them stay in cuz they won't use a litter box.

The low tonite is supposed to be zero. I'm glad the wind seems to have died down.

And school is closed again for tomorrow.


Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
We go back tomorrow. The new district policy is: If there is a wind chill warning schools close. Would have loved another day at home but enjoyed the one I had!


Active Member
They closed Monday here because with the combination cold and weekend they couldn't get the buses running. Business as usual today...unless the snow kicks up like it's supposed to.


No real answers to life..
Just heard on the radio why they closed schools here. It seems the busses run on deisel "gel" fuel and when it gets this cold the fuel thickens and causes the busses to stall. There was a bus full of kids that they couldn't get running so there were the kids "chillin" on the bus. Sounds like "lawsuit city". If kids could get to school, it was fine, but anyone who had to ride the bus could call in and get an excused absence. Brrrrrrr......

* * *


Active Member
Our school was open yesterday but closed today. I called my mom and asked her if our schools were closed when I was a kid if it got this cold. She said it never got this cold. HMM.....

easy child went to bed last night expecting school. They didn't announce our district being closed till later in the night. He will be so glad when he wakes up.


Active Member
Schools were closed here yesterday and again today. The actual temp was still below zero this morning, and the windchill factor puts it in the 20-something below.

Brrrrrr *

Stay Warm !