She's home



(said the same way as that line from the movie....'They're hereeee')

I walk into my mom's house and difficult child is walking down the stairs. 'Hi, Honey.', I say. No response. She doesn't even look at me. I find myself wondering why I didn't get lost on the way there.

So, I ask her:

"What's wrong."
difficult child: Nana
Me: What's wrong with Nana?
difficult child: Just because I'm not a perfect little angel, she has to yell at me about everything.
Me: (thinking to myself) difficult child not a perfect angel? Shocking.
Me: (out loud) So, did you have a good time?


Wiped Out

Well-Known Member
Staff member
Great response on your part :rofl: I would have been tempted to say what I was thinking :rofl: I hope she has a good night so you in turn can have a good night as well.


Active Member
Did you have a good there is humor :wink:
I don't know, are difficult children capable of having a good time?


BBK, you are bad. :rofl: The answer is, though, is no. First of all, I was annoyed with him and was not going to be in the car with him for an hour and a half, so he stayed home. Second, I'm pretty sure difficult child's head would have popped right off. :hammer:

Turns out she spent the day spewing nastiness (the kind where you're waiting for difficult child's head to spin around) at Nana and...let's just say if Nana had to deal with difficult child on a daily basis her head would explode. They don't deal well with each other. My mom and I went out for a few minutes and then parked on the street so she could finish telling me everything. I was laughing hysterically. My mom just looked at me funny at first, but then started laughing, too. She wasn't telling me anything I haven't already experienced. I can laugh when it happens to someone else. Especially the way my mom tells it. She doesn't have much patience with difficult child. And she always tells it like she's the only one who's experienced it. So, I'm kinda like...told ya so.

Hound dog

Nana's are Beautiful
Sometimes it's nice to be able to laugh about gfgdom. I found those spur of the moment laugh fests over difficult child antics a great stress valve.

I'm glad you got the break.

And it's probably a good thing difficult child gets to see that you're not the only one who's not gonna put up with her antics.

Great response to difficult child's greeting by the way. :rofl:



New Member
Great response on your part I would have been tempted to say what I was thinking I hope she has a good night so you in turn can have a good night as well.

I agree! I would have done the same thing... :bravo:

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