Should be an interesting morning...


Well-Known Member
Not that I could believe anything she tells me, but supposedly with a nice, older woman named Tina. Yeah. I don't put much faith into anything she says. husband and I are dumfounded. She seems to think they made a mistake, too. But I have no way to reach her!! She can just take off!! I have to pay that she will do the right thing...

I tell myself at least she called me. She certainly didn't need to. I wouldn't have known a thing...


Well-Known Member
Okay she just called me back, asked me to try calling her phone and it worked. So I can call her tomorrow to fix this mess...hopefully she is serious when she says she has her head on right...please watch over her...


Well-Known Member
I don't get it. I really don't. I think someone made a very big mistake and if anything happens to that baby, I am holding them personally responsible!!!! :(

I had to check the phone records. She contacted a few people - not many. And I only saw one text come in from baby daddy - no calls and no texts back. Of course I am sure that probably means they were together.. :( praying we get this straightened out today and she is not "free" or doesn't go on the run.


Shooting from the Hip
OMG. I am praying hard that she DOES have her head on right. I don't understand!!!!! Someone must've messed up. UGH!!!


Well-Known Member
I am texting her this morning. I want to know if she will let me pick her up and keep her with me until this is resolved. I would feel better. I told her I will take her maternity clothes shopping and will get her a great meal! Anything to at least get her in my custody until we can get her somewhere safe. I have calls into the solicitor but she is in court this morning... :( it just has to be a mistake...and praying so hard she doesn't run because she absolutely could right now and after being told that the baby's father cannot attend the birth - what is to stop her?? Ugh. I just cannot believe this...husband has even called this morning asking if I have heard from her. What a mess. :(


Well-Known Member
She answered the phone this morning....phew. I still have not heard from anyone at the courthouse - they are all in court today. As you can imagine, difficult child enjoyed her night sleeping in a bed - I know she is with him. She ordered breakfast from Waffle House - someone has to be paying for it...she claims she isn't with him, but I don't buy that for a minute. I asked her if I could come get her and she said not yet. But, I don't think she is planning on running and she is maintaining contact...

Update - court just called and judge is IRATE. BIG mistake that the jail let her out. They said it is not her fault, but that she has to turn herself in immediately or she will be in big trouble. Her phone is now going straight to voicemail. :(


Well-Known Member
She just called me crying. Said they showed up at her friend's house looking for her - there is a warrant for her arrest. I told her they need to get her back to the jail. That she is not in trouble, but will be if she doesn't turn herself in. She was begging me to ask them if she could stay with me until she goes to rehab. :( I felt SO bad. She had a taste of freedom and well, who would want to go back? But she has to. I told her I asked them but I highly doubt they will say yes. She needs to hoover it up and go back...ugh...


Well-Known Member
Of course the solicitor said no - this was the judge's order, not hers. She said she is working on a bed for her but she must remain in custody until that date. I told difficult child that and difficult child said she had to "think" and hung up. I begged her not to do anything stupid. That Connor needed her to be strong right now and do the right thing. That the longer she waits, the more trouble she will be in. She will lose her opportunity to transfer to rehab and will have to stay in jail longer - then possibly lose her child. UGH.


Well-Known Member
There has been NO activity on her phone since she hung up....oh, Lord I hope she turned herself in or they caught her before she got the chance. The inmate website won't be updated again until 5pm. So meanwhile I keep checking for activity on her phone and/or waiting to hear something. Gosh I cannot believe they messed up like this. The judge is IRATE...this will NOT be good for her if she runs or ignores them...