Well-Known Member
The thing is this: is the end ever really worth sacrificing the means?You love her and keep paying for college,she needs that for her future, you must.
If in the process of obtaining that degree your child is compromised, their safety compromised, degraded, learning things about life that can destroy, is it worth it?
Let me say it another way. A college degree is a piece of paper that opens doors. But it is something that can be gotten at any point in life. It's absence can always be remedied.
I do not say that lightly. I have an advanced degree. A profession. I know it changed everything for me.
Except, there were things I did while in University when I was young that almost killed me. By accident I survived.
There is a college in New Jersey, Edison State. Their diploma is as good any other, except the top schools. It can all be done in absentia. Online for 10k or less.
What are we as parents telling our child by giving them the message that that piece of paper, a diploma, is worth their life or soul? Or our own?