So why do we (or in this case I) miss abusive people? I don't get it.


Well-Known Member
SS, she is mad that I don't want to hear about the boyfriend anymore because I feel he is dangerous and it worries me. Before this happened, she admitted over and over again that he is abusive. When she tried to break up with him he'd text her a million times and even visited her at work to make her see him. Notate: If *I* did this, she'd have called the But it's him so who knows????

I listened to her and gave sound advice that she asked for three years long. I don't want to hear about him anymore and when I told her that I could no longer discuss him because I worry when she is alone with him, she blew up. But that is only this time. She has done this so many times before. Then sometimes I retaliate and I hate myself for being reeled in and it's my own fault, but I don't need it and she doesn't either.

We don't get along.

I don't want the cops at my door once we move.

I can't confide in her. I didn't realize that until this time.

So we really don't have much to say to one another.


Well-Known Member
Isn't it good, but hard, MWM, that writing all this down really helps to clarify to ourselves what is going on and what we don't want to put up with any more. We have all these vague feelings of resentment and hurt and regret floating around, but when we write them down it becomes much sharper. Writing it all down for others to read makes us see things from a different perspective. Sometimes when we are inside a situation we can't really see what is going on. For myself, putting things with my mother into print has made me say to myself "what's going on here? why are you putting up with this?". Reading my posts as if I was someone else forming an opinion or offering advice has made me angry and outraged about my own behaviour. Why am I still seeing her and speaking to her as if everything's fine? I think it's going to be quite a while before I bother visiting her or phoning her again. I'll see what she has to say next time she contacts me, and I'll see what I think of it before jumping in my car and rushing off on on one of my regular dutiful daughterly visits.

I didn't realize that until this time.

No, me neither.


Well-Known Member
LucyJ, I think you're right. I also think the feedback helps. We are so used to being invalidated by those who should (per society's norms) be our biggest cheerleaders that we believe them. And if we make them angry? What a horrible (daughter/sister) we are!!!!

Honestly whoever said TV adds to this illusion, I agree.

Scent of Cedar *

Well-Known Member
Writing it down does help, but I think we have had to fight so hard for our kids that we have changed, at some deep level. We have had to learn to let go, to survive the horrible pain of what has happened to our children. Next to that? Compared to what we have already survived? Compared to the things we have already learned to accept, and to the patterns we have had to change? Our families begin to look like the pale imitations, begin to look and feel like the counterfeit, bogus bozos they are.


Where did that come from?!?


It is true, though. You all know what the past two years, and especially this past year, have been like for me. In my family of origin...difficult child daughter's homelessness, addiction, diagnosis, the beating and its horrifying grandchildren vulnerable and exposed to all of it, the family broken up ~ these things were all just grist for the mill.

Though we were all supposedly speaking at the time (we aren't, now ~ my choice, made just recently) no one called me. No one came to me, no one helped me to be strong, or to understand how to face it.

My brother did, a little bit.

My sister's take is that difficult child daughter has a demon on board.

My mother...slyly eliciting details, condemning difficult child daughter, rejecting her, anticipating even worse.

Of all the things I am most angry about where my family of origin is concerned, thinking about their behavior during this horrible time for me makes me want to scream and scream and scream.


Thank heaven this site is anonymous.

Here is a thing I have only touched on here, regarding my sister. Given the way we grew up, she and I had made a pact. We would try very hard to create an inclusion. We would not continue the exclusion that was the lynchpin in how our family of origin functioned. For all these years, until now, until this very morning, when I too am looking at my relationship to my sister, I have honored that pact to the best of my ability.

I have allowed the craziest things, in the name of that pact I made with my sister.

And it is only now, when I am better, different, healing, stronger...that I am finally allowing myself to see the hatred she harbors for me. Recovering suggested that jealousy was at the heart of it. If that is true, then I can understand how it would turn into what it is. I can even forgive it. We all were so deeply hurt, so damaged, in our childhoods. But when hurting you is another person's intention even in the now, even today, when the bond between you is the vehicle of betrayal...we have to acknowledge that. We have to see it and stand up.

We have no right to allow someone ~ it doesn't matter who they are ~ to use their connection to us to destroy us. Our lives are precious, beautiful, time limited miracles. There will come a time when this incredible blessing of being here at all, of being alive, will be over, for us.

It is wrong to allow another person to cheapen that gift. It is wrong to accept anything less than the healthiest, most compassionate, sincerely honest people to have any smallest input into our lives, into our dreams of our families and our futures.

Anyway. Back when my children were little and my life was so really perfect, my sister and her uber religious cohorts prayed a "ring of thorns" around me and my family, to "bring me to the Lord". My sister told me this after difficult child daughter began acting out. At the time when she told me, it was a little scary? But I did not really believe it, did not see the hatred in it, until now. I did not see the hatred in so much of what my sister (or my mother) have done, in how they have behaved, until now.

And I could cry, for the pain and the horror and the hopelessness of it, and for my own innocence in believing that I could change that, that we could choose to love ourselves out of what had happened to all of us.

I am not saying I am like, this perfectly loving or lovable person. But I am saying I try.

That's what I do.

I try.

I hold a good intention, and I try.

I am having a bad day, around these issues. But at the same time? There is a triumph to it. To seeing it, I mean. And to not only accept it and let go, but to "reveling in my abandon". That's from an old Tom Petty song about living like a refugee.

I've been hearing another old Tom Petty song this morning, too. That one about "Don't come around here no more...."

I feel so sorry for the things they have done to me, for the way I kept forgiving it, kept not seeing the hatred in it.

But it is just like I posted somewhere else: If I can stand up to my children, if I can change what I see when I see my own children, I can stand to see this.

I become so angry, though, as I am letting myself reinterpret the past. And beneath the anger? There is hurt, at the betrayal; at the stupid, pointless hurt of it all.

I feel pretty ashamed of these feelings. I feel a different kind of shame, a kind of betrayal of the family feeling, in posting it, here. Like I am "telling", right? But the healing is in the seeing and then, in the telling.


Oh, halleluiah, this site is anonymous.

I appreciate being able to process these really terrible feelings here, with all of you.

And even though I know this processing is healthy, even though I know that I will heal from it through the still really hurts me.

I feel a little foolish, at how much it hurts.

Part of me is throwing out that I have done the same kinds of things to them. But I think I have caught myself. I think that, whenever I became aware of it, I tried to do the right thing, instead. It is the determined, over time hatred that so shocks and hurts me, this morning. I feel like I am wallowing in self pity, in a kind of stupid righteousness or ~ I don't know. Something like weakness.

And all I know to do or say is: Bring it on.


Scent of Cedar *

Well-Known Member
So I read MWM's link on family dynamics. According to the author, turning away from our families is to continue the same unhealthy bonding issue, just from the other side. It is something called "fusion". We are still locked into the dysfunction of the family dynamic. The result is elevating anxiety levels.

Maya Angelou tells the story about learning to love herself through the eyes of the God Who created her, of the God Who envisioned her on purpose. With that, she learned to return that feeling, that power, that love, a thousandfold.

And that is where her strength, her purpose, her intention, comes from.

A fiery, inexhaustible kind of give and take between herself and her God.

Eckhart Tolle: Living in the present moment, we can hold an intention of friendliness, of openness, of accepting what is here NOW.

So that would be not to judge.

Not to begin a storyline for our egos to identify with by applying value judgments to what just is.

It is what it is. It is a good thing to be honest with ourselves about just what it is, though. We don't need to be sacrificial offerings on some altar of family dysfunction. Here's the thing: If my sister could make me would not change what is going on inside of her. And we come right back to the same old thing that is always under every story of abuse: it was...nothing personal.


Challenge happens to all of us, all of our lives. The key is that there is no need to transform the challenging event into worry, into obsession, into problem making.

Into story.


The world is not here to make you happy, it's here to make you conscious.

Eckhart Tolle


MWM, I can understand your determination to drive to your sister's, to force the issue, to shake some sense into her.

It's just that, when I needed them...there was nothing. There was not even a backing away from the hurtfulness of what they do.

It is what it is.

Friendliness, openness, acceptance.

I did have other, better, healthier help, in this Board.

I was protected, heard, cherished.

So I lived.

I am meant to be here. I am here on purpose.

Seen in this way, every need, every smallest need and then some, was abundantly provided for, was given and given and given again, to me, for me.

So, looks like I came full circle. I am standing up again, I think.

It's like COM is always posting to us. I have enough of my own business to tend to. I have everything I need, and more, abundantly more.

So, looks like I am okay.



Scent of Cedar *

Well-Known Member
I'm back.

Sorry to dominate your thread, MWM. Here is the thing I just realized. So, during the past months, when things that pushed me right to the edge were happening...the most unhelpful thing that could have happened would have been close contact with my so dysfunctional family of origin. The best thing that could have happened to me throughout all of this?

Is exactly what did happen.

I had all of you, every one of us trying with all our hearts to be healthier than we had been.

So, it is true, what they say. We need to hold trust that, whatever is happening, there is some purpose for it somewhere that we cannot see. Even with this business with our dysfunctional families popping up out of nowhere? There is a purpose we may not be able to see. But then, we don't need to see it. We only need to do the one, small thing in front of us. And we need to do that in the best way we know.

We need to hold the intent, even if we cannot yet hold the truth of, friendliness, openness, and acceptance of what is.

I can hold an intent.

I can do that.

Thanks to all who are reading along.



Well-Known Member
Scent, you did not hijack my thread. You enhanced it. I ate up everything you said.

I am learning a lot in a short period of time and it's all good.