The update:
Nichole remembered that the upper parking lot of the complex reaches around so that you're sitting at the top of the hill overlooking katie's apartment. Reasonable she knew this and I didn't, the kids spent many years playing on that hill. So, that's where she chose to park. Unobstructed view. And we waited.
The apartment looked as it has every time we've gone there. We we actually surprised when the front door opened. M stepped out, locked the door and looked straight up at us. Then headed down toward the bus stop. And we continued to wait a few minutes. Then I told Nichole there was little sense in waiting because obviously they still have the kids. As we're driving away....she thought she saw him turn to the path to the store on the other side of the apartments. So she stopped to wait and see.......but he headed on up to the bus stop. So we went to leave, but traffic at that time a day on that road is thick. We got stuck in the drive waiting to get out. easy child called my cell and asked what was happening. I explained, and she said she was on her way to walmart and we'd meet up at my house so the grands could play. We got a break in traffic and Nichole pulled out.......she was going to park in the hotel across from the complex just to actually see the kids......but traffic was awful and he was obviously standing at the stop.
I get another call from easy child on my cell and she's like hey, did you just pass me? Turns out she got stuck behind the school bus (the kids bus) on the way to walmart. So.......she watch the kids get off the bus, then went and parked where Nichole and I had just left to make sure it was all 3 kids and watch them go into the apartment.
I told Nichole it's the last stake out she gets to go on with me. When one is trying to be sneaky, one does not stand outside the car rocking a fussy baby........

Especially when you're in clear view of the people you're staking out. Honestly, I hope it makes her nervous as hades that we're watching her.
So. Isn't that just grand.
At first I was livid that she put on that whole song and dance that was just yet again (of course) another bald face lie. Ok, so we knew he hadn't gone anywhere, we're not quite that stupid. But there is a difference in "knowing" and sort of having it shoved in your face.
Nichole wanted to go down and knock on the door. I said no. I'd bought the card to send the thanksgiving invite. I'm going to invite 3 children. Not their parents.
This had my girls very confused. Ok, it had me confused for a bit too. I mean I was prepared to do the fake nicey nice in order to be able to watch out for the grands. We knew we were being ignored. So? Why the sudden change?
Well, I'm not sure I can put it into words so someone who hasn't been abused can understand it. But watching M walk out of that apartment today after what he did, what she knew he did.......That she did not care at all about what he did, that her kids mean nothing to her........
I'm not sure it will ever be safe for me to be around her again.
We all agree M is a pathetic human being, a pervert with some severe mental issues that he should never be about children. Yet even this vile pathetic man can get up in the morning and make his kids breakfast, make sure their dress, walk them to and from the bus stop........ect. Katie does nothing for her kids, not even the most minor things. That alone is bad enough. That she is abusive is horrid. That she could care less enough to protect them from someone like M, in my opinion puts her into a category of evil.
And trust me, there is plenty of evil in this world.
So I can't invite her to anything. My hands would be around her neck as soon as she was within arms length. Just the thought of having her near me makes me want to vomit. And yes, while I was pretty darn sure of this already.........I needed to physically
see it with my own eyes in order to have no doubt.
I'm sitting here tonight deciding if I should invite the 3 kids to the holiday and just leave her out. I'm trying to decide if it's possible for me to do that without ending up in jail. Because I'd have to go get them, which means there is high chance I'd probably get too close to her or him, and I'd at the very least wind up in jail. And this time having children around would not reign me in.
I will freely admit I get a little crazy when it comes to protecting children from this sort of evil. And the threat of jail is not a deterrent.
But there is still the slim hope an investigation is underway. Very slim. But until I talk with the officer or have the lawyer check......that hope is still alive and kicking. And I have to do my best not to muck that up.
Regardless, I have to stay away from those two, because I'll act without thinking.