Son going through a tough situation


Well-Known Member
If youre addressing me, I am terrified of feeling anything other than reality and am almost equally as afraid of feeling spacy. I have never even been drunk in my life. Too scary to me not to be in control.


Active Member
If youre addressing me, I am terrified of feeling anything other than reality and am almost equally as afraid of feeling spacy. I have never even been drunk in my life. Too scary to me not to be in control.

My last comment was directed at GoingNorth. You're like my aunt and uncle. My uncler tried a beer once in college. Didn't enjoy it. And that was that for him. Aunt has only had a drink at some wedding over a decade ago. Party drinking is something you get into when you're MUCH younger. Very rarely does somebody just start party drinking in their 40's.


Well-Known Member
Oh ok, darkwing.

I could ho to a wild party and be the only teen eho didnt take a sip of booze. I tried pot a few times. Thats it.

I was very ashamed of taking psyche medications at first.


Active Member
Oh ok, darkwing.

I could ho to a wild party and be the only teen eho didnt take a sip of booze. I tried pot a few times. Thats it.

I was very ashamed of taking psyche medications at first.

From what I understand, it was a much different time as far as peoples' views on psychology, and SSRIs. We live in a much more permissive time. Too permissive, as is often the case. I do not agree with putting children on drugs for just about anything their parents dislike about them. I realize that many children do greatly benefit from amphetamines, but there are also many who are on it more for the benefit of the parent than for the child. We also start people on SSRIs very young, and much more frequently than we need to.

We need to find a good balance. Take care not to deny somebody something that could be very beneficial for them, but to make sure that what is being prescribed is actually needed. Especially with children, doping them up should not be the go to, the initial reaction, as it so often is.


Well-Known Member
My son was on a bunch of psychiatric medications when he was quite young, and it affected his life in very negative ways. The medications. are not formulated for young developing brains. I feel that he would have been better off today if I had refused to allow him to be medicated. He refuses to take prescription medications. of any kind. He has no issue taking illegal substances......go figure.


Well-Known Member

there were no SSRIs when I was in my 20s. Not until Prozac hit when in my 30s.

Kids were not diagnosed back then. Even hyperactivity, as it was called, was new and the opposite of today....under diagnosed. If a kid acted out the child was "bad." If he couldn't keep up with the school work, he was "lazy."

Psychiatry was primative, for lack of a better word. We have come far, but psychiatry is still an inexact science and in its infancy. I am against stimulants for chidren because every ADHD drug is badly abused by teens and older.Adderral is the most coveted of the ADHD medications. My daughter says they are crushed in pillcrushers and snorted alone or with things like cocaine. In Daughters drug days, you could sell Adderal for $10 a pill.

My first antidepressant that eventually caused hallucinations was called amitriptylene.
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