Hound dog
Nana's are Beautiful
Nichole has been hee hawing about whether or not she's going to go back to school in the fall. A large part of this is due to the fact that boyfriend rides her so much about it all. The kid is worse than any parent.........and I have a feeling I'm gonna be feeling sorry for Aubrey when she hits school age.
So.......I've been pretty much quiet on it.
Yes, she had always wanted to be a paramedic. She gave it a go, and really doesn't think it's up her alley. She'd considered going for an Art degree. But that doesn't seem to be lighting up her eyes either. Not surprising after all the work required......art teacher was happy to tell her. lol Nichole enjoys art, but it's not a passion. Know what I mean??
I knew she was hanging in that limbo stage. Just really didn't know what she wanted to do. Well, she knew......she was just too scared to try to do it.
I walked by the computer a few mins ago and discovered her applying to the university of cincy. I asked what she was doing. (casual as I could make it) She said Mom, they've got an excellent vet tech program....and I'd get to work at the ZOO!!
I wanted so very hard to laugh. So much so I bit my tongue to prevent it. Not at her. But because she went thru all of this.......to come right back to what she's always wanted to do. lol So difficult child. lol
She still has to be accepted. But at least it's a step in the right direction. She's finally figured out that the problem with school so far is that she had no passion/love for what she was doing. (ya think?)
She just might be that biologist yet. lol This is my kid who's life dream was to go to africa to live with the lions.
She was dead serious about it from the time she was 3.
By now I know just to roll with it. But I'd like to see this happen for her. At least I'd know she'd be happy to get up and go to work everyday.

So.......I've been pretty much quiet on it.
Yes, she had always wanted to be a paramedic. She gave it a go, and really doesn't think it's up her alley. She'd considered going for an Art degree. But that doesn't seem to be lighting up her eyes either. Not surprising after all the work required......art teacher was happy to tell her. lol Nichole enjoys art, but it's not a passion. Know what I mean??
I knew she was hanging in that limbo stage. Just really didn't know what she wanted to do. Well, she knew......she was just too scared to try to do it.
I walked by the computer a few mins ago and discovered her applying to the university of cincy. I asked what she was doing. (casual as I could make it) She said Mom, they've got an excellent vet tech program....and I'd get to work at the ZOO!!
I wanted so very hard to laugh. So much so I bit my tongue to prevent it. Not at her. But because she went thru all of this.......to come right back to what she's always wanted to do. lol So difficult child. lol
She still has to be accepted. But at least it's a step in the right direction. She's finally figured out that the problem with school so far is that she had no passion/love for what she was doing. (ya think?)
She just might be that biologist yet. lol This is my kid who's life dream was to go to africa to live with the lions.
By now I know just to roll with it. But I'd like to see this happen for her. At least I'd know she'd be happy to get up and go to work everyday.