Since I am now the matriarch of my own family I just make sure I am not my mother or anyine in foo. I have gone in a totally different direction and you did too.
I know this on one level, Serenity.
I am learning, now, to balance in that place between understanding that the emotional flavor of my family of origin was actually starkly ugly, and the bright hope of denial, seen in the beauty of the family dinner imagery I still sort of wish for.
I still sort of wish for that, alot.
I am balancing between those two things. I can feel the weird soundlessness and push of denial and I can feel myself pushing against it.
Another instance, for us, of proof that the more beautiful the imagery, the more intense and complete the imagery, the more true it will be that the beautiful imagery is denial and that beneath it there is the stark awfulness of how we lived and how we felt and who we had been taught we were.
I always think of Copa's Jacob story, when I think about who we were taught we were. Sold into a life of slavery and yet, though Jacob was indeed a slave for many years, still he did not succumb; did not come to believe who they taught him he was. Maybe that was the lesson in that story, Copa. That Jacob did not require revenge because he never believed he was who they told him he was.
It is the strangest feeling, to look straight on at the weird hurtfulness of my family of origin. For those repeated abusive incidents to have kept happening (and for them to be happening still)
someone is choosing for it to be that way.
That's where I get all FOG bound and sort of (utterly) lose my bearings. There is still so much vulnerability to those terrible feelings...and to think anyone would pick to do that ~ especially to her own children,
especially to the children of her sibs, blows me away.
And they kept choosing that too, and they are still doing so today or I would not be shunned.
And I keep saying I don't get the win. But I do. I do, now.
I'm just having a little (alot of) trouble accepting it. But I am getting there.
So, the key to all this is judging. I am making value judgments and knocking my own socks off. It is like that father wrote us once on PE: Accept. Do not allow judgments. It is what it is. No value judgment is going to affect what is happening, or what has happened.
Radical acceptance will help us here, as well.
Radical Acceptance.
No value judgments.
Detaching from our own emotional reactions. Just like we have learned to do when bad things happen with our kids.
Detach from the emotions.
Radical acceptance.
It doesn't make intuitive sense that any person would manipulate family relationships the way it seems still to be happening in my family of origin. I have a feeling almost like backwash, in that I begin to lose track of myself in it. It seems so impossible to believe that it could be as I remember it. I wonder what kind of person I must be, to think like this about my own family. We have been at this, here on FOO Chronicles, long enough for me to understand that what I am feeling is denial.
It will pass; there will be a time of realization. I will probably be angry for a time.
And to be angry at what happened is to reclaim ourselves.
It is very hard to believe our own stories. Probably it is true that if we had not turned those ugly things into hope for the future, we would not have come through it healthy and sane and able to love.
Not to be loved; not that until we had our children.
But to love, as Copa describes the Sleeping Beauty kiss.
I read the sites referenced for us here and learn there are other families where the same kinds of things are happening. Then, I feel less guilty about the way I think about my Family of Origin, now. Maybe, this is what it feels like to stand up again, when we have spent our lives excusing the inappropriate behaviors of those we love. Except that those I thought I loved...I don't know. They never loved me.
I am so surprised about that; and it leaves me feeling really quiet.
How could they not love me.
But because they do not, I believe that no one else can, either. When I was a young girl, this is what I believed about myself without having to believe it because it never occurred to me to wonder about it.
So...the crux of the issue, you guys.
The heart of the matter.
This is why we feel it would be wiser not to trust that we are loved or even, liked. This is why we feel certain our plans will not come to fruition and why, when we lose our children, we break.
Because of how they see, and because of how they see us, and one another, to this day.
That is the feel of the toxic pond.
It's really awful, you guys.
It was Copa's Sleeping Beauty kiss that awakened us: We loved, and our children brought us alive. When we lost them, the old knowings held sway (and our stupidly ridiculous families of origin zoomed right into the heart of the wound to feed, too). That is why we fell apart. It was the old lesson, so we thought. We had been found out. We lost what we had and felt we had been blessed by mistake. We lost what we had and named ourselves: Fraud and Coward and my mother's voice, hissing away with the horrible, horrible words she said then, and the pictures she drew with her words and that smug, evil little half smile.
And I cover that imagery with "I love her."
And we know now, what that means.
We are about saving ourselves here, and about being strong, healthy moms.
Not about disbelieving or protecting evil. Not anymore.
So, those are the places I am trying to come into balance around. It is ~ I don't know why I can't just stop thinking about them. Then, I realize this has nothing to do with them. This is how it feels to heal.
I am doing this for me.
Otherwise, it would be a waste of time. I do see that my family of origin functions through these patterns. Without the patterns, there would be no relationship possible at all. What am I saying. I don't know that what goes on in my family of origin could ever have been qualified as relationship.
We are fortunate to be able to work at this depth.
Thank you, each of you.
That is why my sister needs to have all the stuff and everyone else's stuff too and cannot even allow my brother's grands to be considered special. It is very clear that my sister's grand is
the grand. (My grands are older.) Is that it. Is my sister filling some bottomless emptiness with everything and then, taking what she can from her own brothers and sister
and even little kids (!) to trick the casual observer, even, and maybe especially, if the observer is herself, into believing that, though we and our offspring somehow never mattered?
Or is it simply that she is evil; that she knew then and knows now exactly what she is doing. Surely that cannot be true.
Then how explain so many things she has done.
Sorry, everyone. Looks like this is going to be another long one. I like to figure things out here. When I put these feelings and questions into words for you, then I see them, then I name them, too.
Sometimes, because I am becoming healthier, I am able to understand...I am becoming able to connect the feelings brought up for me in say, thinking about spending time with the women who were friends and classmates in high school (Which I did do, last summer ~ but boy, did I not want to. And I tried to weasel out of it. But one of the ladies came to my house, anyway. And now, she has us communicating with one another in the nicest way except I feel all weird and ugly and not like myself, at all in relation to these women so intimately connected to my past, and to that life.) And ~ what am I trying to say, here. I am able to understand those feelings that happen when I think about these women who were young girls when I was a young girl ~ I have been able, recently, to connect the feeling state called by these women now to how hurt I was, then. Not hurt by them, they were very nice. But I was being so roared into at home. That is where the bad feelings are, then and now, too. "Just don't think, Cedar." "Don't you dare." And whatever the other one was.
Those feelings ~ that discrepancy between the way it felt to be me then and the way it feels to be me now ~ that is what I am trying to find a way to hold both aspects of.
And I just know I am going to be getting really mad again.
I realized that while there was the appearance of reconciliation, I had not reconciled within myself.
This is perfect, Copa. (Good Morning, Copabanana :O)
"I had not reconciled within myself." That is what I am trying to do. To reconcile what I know with what I needed to believe to have seen any of them, at all. And what I needed to believe is that there could be family for all of us. And I believed it so strongly that I excused behaviors I should never have allowed. And I think of my sister. And of the pointlessly nasty, immoral things she does ~ immoral because she is the aunt and she used her position to hurt my child. Backwash: They (sibs) were hurt, too.
I am going Mafia don on myself again.
So I am in a little bit of a circle about this. It is (you guys won't believe this one) unusual for me to feel these angry, sullen, resentful feelings. I am uncomfortable with those kinds of feelings. I am afraid I will get stuck there and turn bitter. But I did not get stuck there last time this happened, and I did learn things about my upbringing that I needed to stop fooling myself about.
So, that is where I am going next.
But it is like all the other barriers we've broken through. I feel all fogbound and disoriented for a number of days afterword.
I was just thinking about my sister's rotten behavior when my daughter was so sick, and so vulnerable, and the way my sister honed in on that. It's unbelievable, really. I mean, part of me actually doesn't believe she meant it. Part of me understands that not only did she mean to, but that she has done it before. That this is who she is.
And who she has always been, even when I was that young girl whose memories are so heavy. I feel like the Mafia: We can be at war forever and do terrible things to one another. But leave the families ~ leave the children, alone. So, in The Godfather, if someone had hurt one of the children or even, one of the wives (or for me, hurt D H ~ which they did) that makes them worse than animals.
And I am so angry, you guys.
Because I am the one who trusted and they were the ones hurt.
For anyone still with me here, back to the high school friends who are women now, and whom it really is an amazing thing to know now, as grandmothers and as women who have lived lives.
I wonder if they knew, when we all were young. And I know that of course they didn't. But I did, and those feelings about who I am from that time are so awful, are so radically different than how I feel about myself now, that I don't know what to do with them. I understand that I need to find some way to face those feelings; I know I need to hold myself with compassion. I get that part. But the negative tape feeling, that nasty, toxic slew of emotions and self interpretations is ~ I don't know. It breaks my heart, to understand that is how I felt about myself. And I see my mother plain as if it were all happening this minute. And I hear her words, and I know that I believed her.
I am being all confusing because I am only just beginning this work.
But man, these feeling states are something else.
Mafia don is a new feeling for me, too. Maybe, that is where I am backing away. Not from what they did, but from what I want to do about that.
Copa, it is like when you post about stepping back, about choosing to have less, for the sake of your sister.
And then all at once, you want to say what they look like to you now.
I want to say it, and never believe in them again.
It shakes me in some intrinsic way to come into believing the why behind what happened ~ and behind what is still happening.
What kind of people did I grow up around.
I am having toxic shock.
And at first, I was going to make a joke about that but I feel too avalanche ~ mud avalanche, with rocks in it and not clean, white snow.