I am still struggling with this, Cedar. It may be that our sisters operating manuals are different. Of course they are. They may be, each of them, buzz saws but they operate differently.
As I try to explain it, I see that I am the one who is confused. About my own sister. Let me write the disparate elements, so I can try to reach a different, better understanding.
She plots. She has a desired end in sight, and she plots to get it. She will stop at nothing, except that will hurt her.
She has the capacity to protect her own, from herself. For example, her children have always been defined by her, as "her" own. Probably because she literally sees them as part of herself. While she was with the second husband, she called him honey, she built a "team" with him, and they plotted together against others.
Just as quickly as you can say (or think) "better prospect" she dumps him. She defines him as enemy just like that. (But she has plotted her exit, so as to leave with as much money and power as can be gotten.)
Things shift on the dime. Alliances are broken. Just like that.
She thinks like a general. That is what confuses me. But it is a very limited and short sighted general. Because, while she does operate strategically, she is essentially short sighted. She is essentially a very limited person.
She as if struts and paces and plots like a general, like a conqueror, and wants to be powerful and think of herself as powerful and important, but it is skin-deep. She is organized, she is controlling...but essentially not that effective.
Despite the benefits accrued from her marriages and her own hard work as a professional, she has not managed to do any better than have I. It must gall her that I am her equal.
As if nothing really worked so that our relative positions changed.
If you put aside my own psychology (of disadvantaged, vulnerable) we would be looked at by any other person as more or less similar.
I still do not get her looking at M's body up and down. What did she want me to feel? Exactly what I did feel?
That she can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants to make me feel small, without protection, alone, marginalized, scared, alone in the world, without anything and anyone in the world. And whenever she wants, when and if she wants, she can topple my world. Because she controls my world. And I am devalued, without value next to her.
Why in the world would she want to do that?
If it were personal Copa, there would be a specific victim or even, a series of victims. Once vengeance had been taken, the behaviors would stop.
See Cedar, I think our sisters may be different. With my sister, the behaviors do stop. She is not perpetually seeking new victims. She is perpetually trying to maintain or advance her own position. Except for her 2 daughters, I think she has no real loyalties. While she professes to love her husband, for example, I do not believe that he is safe. If she finds another, better opportunity.
I think my sister can reach stasis. She is not constantly consuming, more and more, to maintain her stores of internal "stuff." Like your sister sounds.
My sister can stop.
They never stop. I ran an experiment. The more time I gave her, the more arrogant and demanding my sister became.
Actually, this sounds more like my mother.
To me, what it seems like they want is for us to be wizened and blackened dead things and then, they would simply move on to the next victim.
With your sister, I think she would want you to be ever-generating, so that she could be to infinity eating off you, feeding off of you.
With my sister
I think we think they have been hurt Copa, and so, we protect or excuse and etc. But I think they cannot be hurt or not hurt. They manipulate.
Yes. I agree with that.
In my case, with me, I do not much care about my sister, in the sense of protecting her. She is not vulnerable in that sense. I am. My mother is the one that protected, excused for my sister. And defended herself and suffered from my sister's bad behavior to her. My sister over and over again used my mother, tried to humiliate her, insulted her...(my mother was not anybody who would let this be done to her, by anybody...without retaliation. Except with my sister.) My mother loved her. And my mother felt guilty, I think.
Now that I think about it, that is what my sister would have done to me. But I would not allow it. Any time I was around her (and I tried not to be) she would do it to the extent she was able.
I always thought it was personal.
Even hosting my sister overnight in a beautiful beach rental will find her telling us they left us early so they could go down the beach to visit other, better places than where they had stayed, with us!
She had to make you small and insignificant in relation to her.
Is this why my sister looked M up and down? To make me feel small and insignificant? To take me in, assess my worth, and dismiss me as not good enough?
The sister runs her eyes over M's body?!? This was no accident Copa, and it had nothing whatsoever to do with M and everything to do with you. It had to do with passion and self definition and claiming what you want as you have always done.
Let me see if I can understand. This is important.
OK. The essential difference between my sister and I is this: I can infinitely reproduce myself, because the source of value is myself. That is to say, that I am my own value. It is like a gold standard. There is gold in a vault somewhere. I can always leave somewhere, someone, because I have my own gold in my own vault. And I know that. Even if M leaves me or dies, or I lose everything, I will be very sad and bereft, but I will have me.
And that is what my sister hates. She has tried to destroy me, my relative value to her. And she cannot. Because I always operate as if some where there is gold in my vault. Even if I have nothing. Even if I am Joseph. And I am killed off...and discredited and imprisoned. (Except internally, she does get to me. All of the people who I am hurt by hurt me. But I do not allow myself to be corrupted. I am not turned.)
And that guilt at having what you want and doing what you want and going where you want and leaving behind what you do not want in your life is what the sister used to change the legitimacy of your position, Copa.
Cedar, she did it from the time my stepfather came. From the time I was 11. Until that time, I was the power base with my grandmother, I think.
What gets me about her, I will say it again: She threw over my grandmother, too. In her own head. My grandmother loved her. Loved both of us. She took care of us. She was a woman who had suffered greatly. After my grandmother died--in 1976, my sister eventually through her over too. She named both a dog and a daughter after my grandmother, yet she called my dead grandmother, a crazy old woman. Like she did with my mother, eventually. She called my mother, a crazy old woman, eventually. While she tried to take her for anything she had.
Are you saying that my sister will do this to anybody? Because this is how she turned on the second husband.
Are you saying that my sister has no real loyalties to anybody? Except her children?
Or maybe, even, not to them, ultimately?
When I feel hurt and afraid in life...that the world is not a safe place, that my inner world is not a safe place...that is what I feel others say or think
about me. That I am just crazy. A crazy young woman. Old woman.
I woke up today feeling that way. That the world is a dangerous place. For me. I live in a small city, really, where I have nobody except M. Actually, I live in a world where I have nobody, ultimately, except M
and myself. When I lived in the area where I am from
what I had was the place. When I lived there, the only thing I had really was not people. It was the place. I do not have that where I live now.
My internal world can be a dangerous place. Because when I feel like I woke up today, I remember how mean people can be to me.
I live in a world (in myself) where people are mean to me.
That the mother was no longer defenseless must have absolutely enraged the sister.
Do you think what my sister always wanted was to make me her prey? And while she did hurt me, she could never eat me up. I would always elude her.
So when my mother was no longer defenseless, and I had taken her in, she had to shun us. That was the only death she could cause. Social death.
Cedar. That is the essential remaining difference between the way we are thinking. I believe that while my sister was shunning us at the end, it was motivated. That is to say, she was not indifferent. She was
doing something. She was trying to hurt us, myself and my mother, she was acting upon us. Believing that her shunning us was hurting us, was working to make us less powerful to her and her world. And showing us how much more powerful was she.
And I did play into it. At the end, when my mother was screaming, had become incontinent (and shunning me, herself) I was besides myself. I called my sister. I wrote emails to her. I needed her involvement, and she rejected me, and would not talk to me.
I could think that it was that she did not want the pain and loss to touch her. She wanted to feel above it. Or that she wanted me to suffer. To suffer my just desserts.
She had contempt for my mother. I spoke to my sister one time. She deigned to speak to me. From on high. That is the attitude. And she had contempt for my mother.
I am struggling here: Did she feel superior, or was she weak and defenseless, or both?
My sister is like some defective product with very good marketing. And I fall for it, every single time, on one level. I buy the stupid product. And then feel like a fool.
If there are not people watching them, if there is not someone else being labeled or demeaned or excluded they feel they have disappeared, or maybe, that they have become one of the great unwashed.
My sister I believe feels safe in her family. I have been there with her. She is comfortable. She is in her robe and slippers. She is content. She feels safe. And loved. She laughs. She is relaxed. With her husband and her dogs and her two girls. Now she has her community. Her job. When I imagine my sister. I see her content.
Cedar, do you think she hates me? Is it because I am more, have more? Or because she cannot eat me up and spit me out? Or both? Or what?
It was your one vulnerability, Copa. That in comparison piece.
I need to understand this better. Can you explain it Cedar? Because I know this is true.
Is it that my sister wants me
to feel or be less then in comparison to her. This is what she is always after. To be better off. To have more. To be more. In relation to me. I am the gold standard to her. Even if she does not see me or talk to me. Because I was there in her life from the beginning.
There is something in my own psychology that answers this call.
To feel less than in relation to, in comparison to her.
Is that what you are talking about, Cedar? Is that what you meant about looking M up and down, trying to make him into a piece of meat, to dehumanize him? She was doing that to me? She was trying to make me feel as if she can do anything to me, and I have to take it. That in comparison to her anything that I am or have, pales in comparison.
And no matter how much she does that, I am like the energizer bunny who keeps regenerating myself. Is that it? She can hurt me but not destroy me.
Is that why I am vulnerable to the comparison piece? Because part of me wants to obey her. Wants to diminish myself and what I have--to let her have it. What she wants. To be better off than I am. To have more. Or is it to protect her. There is part of me that always wants to accommodate her need to do that to me.
Even in my own life...apart from her. I believe there is something in me, that will accommodate. Answer this call.
Thank you.